Jatamansi spikenard is indian medicinal plant grows in high altitude of Himalaya. Jatamansi Benifits are: Jatamamsi plant uses as herbal formulation in neurological disorder like convulsions, epilepsy, mental weakness. Jatamansi oil uses as hair tonic and also used in purfums for its aromatic properties.
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Botanical Name:
- Nardostachys jatamansi.
Botanical synonym :
- Nardostachys grandiflora.
Classical Categorization :
- Charaka Samhita: संज्ञास्थापन , कण्डूघ्न महाकषाय।
- Sushruta Samhita: एलादि गण , अंजनादि गण।
- Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : कर्पूरादि वर्ग।
Synonyms :
- 1. Bhutakeshi
- 2. Keshiti
- 3. Bhutjata
- 4. Shikha
- 5. Jatila
- 6. Tapsavini
- 7. Hinsra
- 8. Mansi
- 9. Nalada
- 10. Mishi
- 11. Kravyaadi
- 12. Krishana jata
- 13. Peshi
- 14. Peshiti
- 15. Meshi
- 16. Tamsi
- 17. Mrigabhekshaya
- 18. Janani
- 19. Chakravartini
- 20. Sulomsha
- 21. Kiratini
- 22. Gandhamansi
Common names of Jatamansi
- Latin name – नार्डोस्टैकिस जटामांसी ( Nardostachys jatamansi DC);
- Sanskrit name – जटामांसी (जटायुक्त मांसलकन्द वाली, भूत जटा (भूतों के समान जटा वाली), तपस्विनी (जटायुक्त होने से ), सुलोमशा ( अधिक रोमों वाली), नलदा ( लं गन्धं ददाति-सुगन्धित );
- मराठी, गुजराती-जटामांसी,
- Tamil name- Jatamansi
- Telugu name – Jatamansi
- Kannada name – Jatamansi
- Malayalam name –Jatamansi,
- Kashmiri –कुकिलिपोट, भूतिजट्ट;
- Nepali – हसवा, नसवा, जटामाड़ासी,
- Bhutani-पम्पे, जटामांसी ,
- Arbi- सुंबुलु तिब, सुंबुले हिन्दी;
- फ़ारसी-नॉरिदे ;
- English – Spikenard
External Morphology:
- It is an erect perennial herb, often with strong smelling
- rhizome.Root stalk woody, long stout covered with reddish brown fibers from the petioles of radical leaves.
- Stem -more or less pubescent upwards often glabrate below.
- Leaves-radical, longitudinally nerves elongate, spathulate, glabrous or slightly pubescent narrowed into petiole and sessile.
- Flowers – rosy, pale pink or blue in dense cymes.
- Fruits covered with ascending hairs, crowned by the ovate,acute, often dentate.
Generally grows at great elevation upto 17,000 ft. on the Alpine Himalayas.
Chemical composition :
Actinidine, carotene, aristolons, calarene, calarenal, elemol ,droaristolene, B-eudesmol, Jatamols Aand B, Jatamansic acid, Jatamansone, nardol, nardostachys, nardostachys, patchouli alcohol, spirojatomol, valeranal, valeranone, virolin, angelicin, Jatamansi, jatamansi oil, oroselol etc.
Rasapanchaka :
- Rasa : Tikta, Kashaya, Madhura
- Guna : Laghu
- Veerya : Sheets
- Vipaka : Katu
- Doshas Karma: Tridosha Hara
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Medha vikar, Kushtha, Kandu, Jawara, Daha.
Part Used : Rhizome
- Churana 1-3 gm
- Kwatha 5-10 gm
Uses/ Aamika Prayoga:
- 1. Kesha vardhana : Jatamansi, Kushtha, Tila, Sariva, Nilotpala are made into paste by mixing with milk, and honey, and applied externally.
- 2. Vatarakta :After siravedhana, paste of madhuka, Ashvatha twaka, Jatamansi, shatavari, udumbara and durva, should be applied.
- 3. Visphota : jatamansi Lepa is applied externally.
- 4. Sira shoola : jatamansi Taila is useful.
- 1. Maha Paisachika ghrita
- 2. Mansaadi Kwatha
- 3. Rakshoghana Ghrita
- 4. Sarvoshadhi snana
- 5. Jatamansi arka
- 6. Kulathaadi ghrita
- 7. Abhayanjana Taila
- 8. Changeri Ghrita
- 9. Hiberadi ghrita
- 10. Trutyaadi yoga
- 11. Mahapadma Taila
- 12. Madhuparnyaadi Taila
- 13. Khadiraadi gutika
- 14. Bala Taila
- 15. Amritaadi Taila