Tinospora cordifolia/ guduchi / गिलोय
GUDUCHI Botanical Name: Tinospora cordifolia Family: Menispermaceae Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita : व्यवस्थापन, दाहप्रशमन, तृष्णानिग्रहण, स्तन्यशोधन, तृप्तिघ्न महाकषाय। Sushruta Samhita : गुडूच्यादि, पटोलादि, आरग्वधादि, काकोल्यादि, वल्लीपञ्चमूल। Bhavaprakasha nighantu : गुडूच्यादि वर्ग। Synonyms : 1. Madhuparni 2. Amrita 3. Amritavalli 4. Chinna 5. Chinnaruha 6. Vatsaadini 7. Jivanti 8. Tantrika 9. Soma 10. Somavalli 11. Kundali 12. Kundalini 13. Mandili 14. Chakralakshinika 15. Vishalya 16. Rasayani 17. Chandrahasa 18. Vyastha 19. Devanirmita 20. Dheera 21. Kandodbhava 22. Vishahani 23. Javaranashini Vernacular names Latin-टिनोस्पोरा काँडिकोलिया (Tinospora cordifolia) संस्कृत-गुडूची, मधुपर्णी, अमृता, छिन्नरुहा, वत्सादनी, तन्त्रिका, कुण्डलिनी, चक्रलक्षणिका; हिन्दी- गिलोय, गुडिच; बांग्ला-गुलंच; मराठी-गुलवेल; गुजराती-गलो ; तामिल-शिण्डिलकोडि; तेलगु-टिप्पाटिगो; अरबी-गुलञ्च ।। External Morphology: Tinospora-cordifolia It is large, extensively spreading glabrous, perennial deciduous twiner, with succulent stems and papery bark. Leaves- Simple alternate, cordate, glabrous, entire, 7-9 nerves Flowers- Small yellow in lax racemes, arising from the nodes on the old wood, male flowers in the clusters, female flowers usually solitary. Fruit- drupe, red when ripe. The surface of the stems appears to be closely studied with warty tubercle and the surface skin is longitudinally fissured. On removal of the surface skin, the dark greenish mucilaginous stem is seen. Habitat : It grows throughout India. Chemical Composition: tinospora, cordifolia, Tinospora, sitosterol, Cordifol, heptacosanol, octacosanol etc. Varieties : Dhanwantari nighantu mentioned 2 varities viz, Guduchi and Lingodbhava guduchi. Rasapanchaka : Rasa : Tikta, Kashaya Guru, Snigdha Virya : Ushana Vipaka : Madhura Dosha Karma :Tridosha shamaka Indications : Javara, Trishana, Vattarakta, Pandu, Kamala, Daha, Prameha, kushtha, Chardi, krimi, kandu, medoroga, visarpa. Part used : Stem, leaf, aerial roots all are used for different formulations. Doses: Stem powder 3-6 gms, Decoction 50-100ml, Fresh juice 10-20 ml Aamika Prayoga /uses : 1. Medhaya : The fresh juice of Guduchi may be used. 2. Javara : Guduchi swarasa, shatavari svarasa equal parts are mixed together and given along with jaggery. 3. Amlapitta : Leaves of guduchi, Nimba, and patola are made into juice and administered along with honey. Formulations/ Yoga: 1. Amritarishta 2. Amritadi gugglu 3. Amritadyakashaya 4. Chandraprabha vati 5. Panch tikta gugglu ghrita