
ELA SUKSHMA ELA : Botanical Name : Elettaria cardamomum Family: Zingiberaceae Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita :  श्वासहर, अंगमर्द प्रशमन, शिरोविरेचनीय महाकषाय, कटु स्कन्द। Sushruta Samhita : एलादि गण। Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : एलादि गण, त्रिजातक। Synonyms : 1. Upakunchika 2. Tutha 3. Korangi 4. Dravidi 5. Truti 6. Bahulagandha 7. Bahula 8. Triputa 9. Nishakuti External Morphology: It is a perennial herb, root stalk thick, leafy stem 6-10ft high. Leaves-linear, lanceolate, acuminate, subsessile, sheathing base. Flowers in panices and are many. Fruit-trilocular, subglobose capsuled with many fine vertical ribs. Seeds-15-20 per pod. Habitat: Found in western ghats wild and cultivated above 2500-4500ft. throughout India. जाति- फल की आकृति के अनुसार इसके दो भेद किये गये हैं : (1) Var. major The.—इसमें फल बड़े आते हैं । श्रीलंका की वन्य जाति इसके अन्तर्गत आती है। (2) Vas minor Watt.-इसमें फल छोटे आते हैं। भारत में उगाई जाने वाली जातियाँ इसी के अन्तर्गत आती है। भारतीय जाति मुख्यतः दो प्रकार की होती है : १-मालाबारी इलायची २-मैसूरी इलायची। मलाबारी इलायची का पौधा अपेक्षाकृत छोटा, पत्तियाँ छोटी, पुष्प मंजरी भूमिशायी, फल मोलाकार या अण्डाकार होता है। मसूरी इलायची का पौधा बड़ा, १७ फीट तक ऊँचा, पत्तियां बड़ी, पुष्प मंजरी उत्थित तथा फल मूलकाकार, त्रिकोणीय और पशु के होते हैं। व्यापार में भी दो प्रकार की इलायची चलती है : १. कुर्ग-मसूर, २. टूरिकोरिन । पहली कुर्ग-मैसूर में होने वाली मलाबारी इलायची है और दूसरी तामिलनाडु के दक्षिणी क्षेत्र तथा ट्रावनकोर-कोचीन में होने वाली मसूरी इलायची है। Chemical composition: Borneol, camphene, p-cymene, geraniol, heptanes, linalool , D- limonene, menthone, myrcene, nerol, n-alkones, Alpha and Beta pinones, camphor, ascaridol, citral, sitosterol. Rasapanchaka : Rasa : Katu, Madhura Guna : Laghu Virya : Sheeta Vipaka : Madhura Dosha Karma : Vatashamaka Indications : Shavasa, Kasa, Arsha, Mutra vikara. Part Used: Seeds, Oil Doses: 0.5-1 gms Aamika Prayoga: 1. Hridroga-Sukshama ela and Pippali moola are taken with honey. 2. Mutrakricha-Ela is given with Dadhimantha. 3. Mutra roga - Ela can be given with Amalaki swarasa. 4. Pravahika-Ela churana can be given with butter. Yoga : 1. Elaadi churana 2. Elaadi gutika 3. Elaadi modaka

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CHANDANA Botanical Name : Santalum album. Family: Santalaceae. Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita: Dahaprashmana Mahakashaya, Angamarda Prashmana Mahakashaya, Trishna Nigrahana Mahakashaya, Varnya Mahakashaya, Kanduhana Mahakashaya, Vishahana Mahakashaya. Sushruta Samhita: Salsaraadi Gana, Patolaadi Gana, Sarivaadi Gana, Priyangwaadi Gana, Guduchyaadi Gana. Bhavaprakash Nighantu : Karpuraadi varga. Synonyms : 1. Gandharajam 2. Gandhasaara 3. Chandradrutti 4.Tilaparnakam 5. Bhadrashree 6. Malyaja 7. Shishiram 8. Shrikhandam 9. Sarpawasaam Latin-सैण्टलम ऐलबम ( Santalum album Linn. ); संस्कृत-चन्दन, श्रीखण्ड, गन्धसार; मलयज, हिन्दी-सफेद चंदन; गुजराती- सुखड; तामिल-सन्दनम्; तेलगु-चन्दनम्; मल-चन्दनम्; कन्नड़-श्रीगन्ध) अरबी -संदले अब्यज; फ़ारसी-संदले सफेद, अंग्रेज़ी -सैण्डल वुड ( Sandal wood )। Habitat: It Grows in western ghats and mainly in Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil nadu. External Morphology: It is a small evergreen glabrous tree with slender drooping branches. Bark-Dark grey or nearly black to reddish. Sap wood-Unscented or whitish yellow. Heart wood-yellowish-brown, strongly scented. Leaves-Elliptic, Lanceolate, Subarute, Glabrous, Entire, Thin, Base acute. Petiole-Slender . Flowers - brownish- purple, inodourous, in terminal and axillary panicles. Fruit-Drupe, Purple-black, globose. Endosperm-hard, ribbed Seeds-globose or ovoid. Varieties:   Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : 4 varieties: 1. Chandana 2.Rakta chandana 3. Kalika (Peeta chandana) 4. Chandana (Patranga)   Dhanwantari Nighantu :5 Varieties : 1.Chandana (Shveta chandana) 2. Rakta Chandana (Harichandana) 3.Kuchandana (Patraanga) 4. Kaliyaka 5. Barbareeka   Shodhala Nighantu : 8 Varieties : 1.Gosheersha (Shveta chandana) 2. Shri priya 3. Sambharaana 4. Kakubha 5. Barbereeka 6. Rakta Chandana 7. Pataang 8. Harichandana   Kaiyadeva Nighantu : 6 Verities : 1. Chandana 2. Rakta Chandana 3. Peeta Chandana 4. Kairaata chandana 5. Berber Chandana 6. Harichandana   Raja Nighantu : 1. Shveta Chandana 2. Rakta Chandana 3. Patenga 4. Kaliyaka 5. Berberoka 6. Harichandana Important Phytoconstituents : Sandal wood oil-Alpha Santalol, Beta Santene, Santalenes, Santenol, Teresantalol, 1-Santenone, Teresantalic acid , Alpha and Beta Santalic acids, etc. Other Parts: Santalic Acid, n-ocacosanol, Platimone etc. Rasapanchaka : Rasa: Tikta, Madhura Guna : Laghu, Ruksha Virya : Sheeta Vipaka : Katu Dosha karma : Kapha pitta shamaka Rogahanata : Dahahara, Jawarahara, Kushthahara, Visarpahara, Kanduhana, Trishana hana, Raktapitta hara. Amayika Prayoga: 1. Premeha: Shukrameha, decoction of Arjuna and Chandana is used. Manjisthameha, decoction of Manjistha and Chandana is used. 2. Charadi: Chandana is given with juice of Amalaki.…

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 CHITRAKA Botanical Name : Plumbago zeylanica. Family: Plumbaginaceae. Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita: Deepaniya, Shoolaprashamana, Arshohana, Lekhaniya Mahakashaya. Sushruta Samhita : Pippalyaadi, Mustaadi, Amalakyaadi, Varunaadi, Aragwadhadi gana. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Haritakyadi varga. Synonyms : 1. Analanama 2. Padhi 3. Vyaal 4. Ushaana 5. Daruna 6. Agnika 7. Deepaka 8. Padhina लैटिन-प्लम्बेगो जिलेनिका ( Plumbago zeylanica Linn.) संस्कृत-चित्रक, अग्नि (तीक्ष्ण, आग्नेय); हिन्दी - चीता; बांग्ला- चिता; मराठी-चित्र मूल गुजराती-चित्रो; तामिल -चित्तिर; तेलगु-तेलचित्र, अरबी-शीतरज; फ़ारसी-शीतरः; अंग्रेज़ी- लेडवर्ट ( Leadwort ) । External Morphology: It is a perineal herb, stem somewhat woody, spreading glabrous. Leaves-Thin, ovate, subacute, entire, glabrous, reticulately veined, petiole-short, Flowers in elongated spikes. Fruits-Capsule, oblong, pointed, pericarp, thin below, thick and hardened above. Habitat: It grows throughout in hotter parts of India. Chemical composition : Chitranone, Plumbagin, 3-Chloro Plumbagin, drosorone, Elliptinone, Isozeylinone, Iso zeylon-one, Zeylanone, Zeylinone, Maritone, Plumbagic acid, Dihydrogesterone, B-sitosterol etc. Rasa panchaka : Rasa : Katu Guna: Laghu, Ruksha, Tikshana Virya : Ushna Vipaka : Katu Dosha karma : Kapha vattahara Indications : Aama dosha, Kushtha, Krimi, Kasa, Jwara etc. Part Used: Root bark Dozes:  Choorana 1-2 gms, Kwatha 25-50 ml Aamika Prayoga : 1. Arsha: Chitraka and Shunthi are made as paste by mixing with Kanjika and applied locally. 2. Shukrameha : Chitraka kwatha is useful. 3. Shivitra: Chitraka and Trikatu are mixed with honey and cows urine should be kept in a jar coated with ghee for fortnight and taken orally. 4.Yakrita and Pleeha vridhi : Kshara of Chitraka is given with Takra. 5. Aama vatta : Oil prepared with chitraka is useful as an external application in Amavata and Sandhivata. Yoga: 1.Chitrakadi vatti 2. Chitraka haritaki 3. Chitrakadi choorana 4. Chitrakadi ghrita विषाक्त लक्षण- अधिक मात्रा में देने पर यह क्षोभक और मादक विष है। इससे गला, आमाशय और समस्त शरीर में दाह होता है, जी मिचलाता है, वमन और अतिसार होता है, मूत्रकृच्छू होता है; नाडी क्षीण और वक्र हो जाती है, त्वचा अवसन्न और शीतल हो जाती है। गर्भावस्था में देने से श्रोणिप्रदेश में स्थित अवयवों में दाह होता है और अतिसार होने लगता है। मूत्र बूंद-बूंद कर आने लगता है, गर्भाशय से रक्तस्राव होने लगता है और गर्भाशय का संकेत…

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BHRUNGARAJA Botanical Name : Eclipta alba Family: Asteraceae Botanical synonym :  Eclipta prostrate Eclipta, means : Deficient alba, means : white Classical Categorization :  Charaka Samhita : Not mentioned Sushruta Samhita : Not mentioned Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Guduchyaadi varga Synonyms: 1 Bhringraj 2 Bhiranga 3. Merkava 4. Angaaraka 5. Kesharaja 6. Kesharanjana 7. Bhringaaraka 8. Bhirangarenu 9. Pankajata 10. Mahina 11 Ravipriya 12. Suryavarta लैटिन -एक्लिप्टा ऐल्बा ( Eclipta alba Hassk. ) संस्कृत- भृंगराज (जिससे केश भौंरे के समान शोभायमान हो); मार्केट ( जो बालों की सफदी को दूर करे ); केशरञ्जन ( केश को रंगने वाला ); केशराज, हिन्दी-भांगरा, भंगरैया; पंजाबी-भंगरा; मराठी -माका; गुजराती -भांगरो;जलभांगरो; बांग्ला -केसुरिया तामिल- काइकेशी; तेलगु -गलगरा; अरबी -कदीमुलबित । External Morphology: It is an erect or prostrate much branched annual herb with rooted nodes. Roots well developed ,a number of secondary branches arise from main root, cylindrical and greyish in colour. Stems-are herbaceous, branched, occasionally rooting at nodes, cylindrical or atrough due to appressed white hairs, nodes distinct. Leaves opposite, sessile, linear, oblong, lanceolate, with apprised hairs on both sides. Flowers-white in heads. Habitat: Throughout India. Major chemical constituents : leaves : Alpha-terthienyl-methanol stigmasterol ,Beta-amyrin , desmethyl wedelolactone glucoside Amino Acids-cysteine, glutamic  acid ,Phenylalanine, tyrosine and methionine. Whole plant: Phytosterol-A, Beta-amyrine, Wedelolactone, Triterpenic acid, desmethyl wedelolactone, fatty acids like palmatic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acid, nicotine. Root: Hentriacontane, 14-hepaosanol, Stigmasterol. Varieties: Raja nighantu mentioned 3 varieties viz, shveta, Peeta, Krishana Neel. Rasapanchaka : Rasa : Katu, Tikta. Guna: Laghu, Ruksha. Virya : Ushana. Vipaka : Katu. Dosha Karma: Kapha Vatta Para. Indications : Amadosha, shotha, kasa, Khalitya, Palitya, Kushtha, Krimi, Shwasa. Part Used: Panchanga. Doses : Swarasa-5-10ml Churana 3-6 gms. Aamika Prayoga: 1. Garba Sthapana : Cow milk with equal quantity of Bhringaraja Swarasa should be given to Garbhavati. 2.Shivira : Bhringaraja fried in oil in iron vessel is consumed, after this milk boiled with beejaka shall be given as Anupana. 3. Naktandhayata : Matsaayanda boiled in bhringaraja swarasa when consumed for a period of seven days will cure night blindness. 4. Rasayana : Swarasa should be taken along with ksheera for one month. Yoga : 1. Neeli Bhringaraja taila 2. Bhringaraja…

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 BHALLATAKA Botanical Name: Semecarpus anacardium. Family: Anacardiaceae. Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita : Deepaniya, Bhedniya, Kushthahana, Mutrasangrahaniya Mahakashaya Sushruta Samhita : Nayograodhaadi, Mustaadi gana. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Haritakyadi varga Synonyms : 1. Arushaka 2. Arushakar 3. Agnika 4. Agnimukhi 5.Bheeli 6. Veeravriksha 7.Shofakrita 8. Krimihana 9. Tailabeeja 10. Dhanurbeeja 11. Vatari 12. Bhutanashana 13. Bhedana 14. Ranjaka लैटिन - सेमीकार्पस एनाकार्डियम (Semecarpus anacardium Linn ), संस्कृत -भल्लातक ( भाले के समान तीक्ष्णगुणयुक्त ); अनुष्का ( स्पर्श से व्रण उत्पन्न करने वाला );अग्निक (अग्नि के समान उष्णवीर्य), शोफकृत् ( स्पर्श या धूम से शोथ उत्पन्न करने वाला ), अग्निमुख ( फल का भाग आग समान लाल रंग का होने से ), हिन्दी -भिलावा; बांग्ला- भेला; मराठी -बिम्बा: गुजराती - भिलामो; पंजाबी -भिलांवा; कश्मीरी -बिलावल; तामिल-सेनकोटुई; तेलगु -फिदिविटुलु; अरबी - हब्बुलकल्ब ( हृदयाकृति फल ); फारसी-बलादुर; अंग्रेज़ी - मार्किंग नट ( Marking nut ) धोबी लोग इसके फल से कपड़ों में निशान लगाते हैं इसलिए अंग्रेजी इसे मार्किंग  नट ( निशान लगाने वाली गुठली ) कहते हैं । External Morphology: It is a medium sized to large tree, 15-25 m. height, with grey bark exfoliating in small irregular flakes. Leaves simple, alternate, obovate-oblong, rounded at the apex, coriaceous, glabrous above and more or less pubescent beneath, main nerves 15-25 pairs. Flowers greenish white, fascicled in pubescent panicles. Fruits - drupe, obliquely ovoid or oblong, 2.5 cm long, black when ripe, seated on a fleshy receptacle which is yellow when ripe. Habitat: Through out india, in semi-evergreen and moist deciduous forests. Chemical composition : Nuts : bioflavonoids A,B and C, tetrahydro busta flavone, tertahydromentoflavone, nallaflavons etc. Nut shell : Anacardic acid, bhilawanols, gallu flavanone jeedi flavanone etc. Kernel oil: Linoleic, myristic, oleic, palmitic and stearic acids. Fruits: Nicotinic acid, riboflavin, thiamine and essential amino acids. Leaves : Amentoflavone. Rasapanchaka : Rasa : Katu, Tikta, Kashaya. Guna: Laghu, Tikshana, Snigdha. Virya : Ushna. Vipaka : Madhura. Dosha Karma : Kapha vata shamaka. Indications : Mutravikara, Shukravikara, javara, Aamavikara etc. Part Used : Phala. Doses: Kalka 3-5 gm, oil - 10-20 drops. 1.2 gm of the drug in kshreerapaka. Aamika Prayoga: 1. Kushtha and Arsha : Bhallataka is given along with Tia. 2.…

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BHARANGI Botanical Name: Clerodendrum serratum. Family: Verbenaceae. Classical Categorization: charaka Samhita: Purishasangrahaniya Mahakashaya. Sushruta Samhita: Pippalyaadi gana. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Haritakyadi varga. Synonyms : 1. Bhregubhava 2. Padma. 3. Brahmanayashatika. 4.Mangaravalli. 5. Kharashaka. 6. Hanjeeka. 7.Surupa. 8. Varshabarbaraka. 9. Bharamarapriya. 10. Bhringaraja. 11. Kharapushapa. 12. Kasahani. 13. Yashika. 14. Vatari. 15. Angaraparni. 16. Bhangura. लैटिन -क्लेरोडेंड्रम सिरेटम (Clerodendrum serratum (Linn.) संस्कृत -भार्ङ्गी ; ब्राह्मण यषिका ( पतले शाखारहित काण्ड से युक्त ); खतरनाक ( रूक्ष पत्रयुक्त ); पुदो ( कमलवत् पुष्प होने से ); हिन्दी -भारङ्गी, बभनौटी; बांग्ला -वामुनहाटी; मराठी, गुजराती -भारङ्गी; तामिल-अंगार वल्ली; तेलगु, कश्मीरी -गडबरंगी; मलयालम -कंकभरनी External Morphology: It is a slightly woody shrub, with bluntly quadrangular stems and branches. Leaves-usually 3 at a node, sometimes opposite, oblong or ellip[tic, coarsely and sharply serrate. Flowers-many, blue in colour, conspicuous, arranged in dichotomous cymes. Fruits lobed, purple drupe, somewhat succulent with one pyrene in each lobe. Habitat: Throughout India. Chemical composition: Hispidulin, 7-o-glucuronides, scutellarein, uncinatone, Pectolinarigenin, Saponins etc. Rasapanchaka : Rasa: Tikta, Katu. Guna : Laghu, Ruksha. Virya : Ushana. Vipaka : Katu. Dosha karma : Kapha Vata shamaka. Indications : Aamadosha, Swedavikara, Vrana, Rakta Dosha, Gulma, Kasa, Shvasa, Jwara, Pinasa, Shotha. Part Used : Moola. Doses: Choorana 3-6 gms. Aamika Prayoga : 1. Vankshana vata : Bharangi root is collected in pushava nakshatra and pounded with tushodaka and given orally. 2.Shvasa : Bharangi and shunthi should be given with hot water. 3. Gandamala : Application of bharangi and kanjika over gandamala. 4. Pratishaya : It should be given with vacha and shunthi. Yoga : 1.Bharangiguda. 2. Bharangyaadi wataha. 3. Kankasava. 4. Dhanwantar ghrita. 5.Mahavatagajankusha rasa.

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BIJAKA Botanical Name : Pterocarpus marsupium. Family: Leguminosae. Pterocarpus, means : Winged fruit. marsupium, means : It bears pouch in flowers. Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita : Udardaprashamana Mahakashaya Sushruta Samhita : Salsaraadi gana. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Vataadi varga. Synonyms : 1. Peetasara 2. Peetashaluka 3. Bandhukapushapa 4. Preeyaka 5. Sarjaka 6. Asana Latin-टेरोकार्पस मारसूपियम ( Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.); संस्कृत-बीजक, असन, पीतशाल हिन्दी-विजयसार, बीआ; बांग्ला-पीतशाल,पियासाल; मराठी-विवला; गुजराती-बीयो; तामिल-वेगइ; तेलगु-पेट्द्गि; मलयालम -वेंग; कन्नड़- बंगे; अंग्रेज़ी-इण्डियन काइनो ट्री ( Indian kino tree ) मालाबार काइनो (Malabar kino tree ) External Morphology: It is a large deciduous tree with stout, crooked stem bark, thick, yellowish grey. Leaves-15-23cm long leaflets 5-7 oblong, obtuse, under glabrous. Flowers - in short lateral and terminal pubescent paniculate racemes. Pods 2.5-5cm diameter. Seeds-small Habitat: It grows in south India. Major chemical constituents : Pterocarpus, marsupium, marsupio, carpusin, epicatechin, propterol, pterosupin, marsupinol, lupeol. Rasapanchaka : Rasa : Kashaya. Guna : Laghu, ruksha. Veerya : Sheeta. Vipaka : Katu. Indications : Kushtha, Visarpa, Shivitra, Premeha, Krimi. Part Used : Heart wood, kandasara. Doses : kwatha 50-100ml, churana 3-6gms, Niryasa 250-500mg Aamika Prayoga: 1. Rakta-pitta : Alkali of madhu and Asana is useful. 2. Shalipada : Paste of Heart wood of khadira, Asana Shala is useful with cows urine. 3. Sthoulya: Kwatha of heart wood of Asana should be taken in morning with honey. 4. Shotha: Lepa of Asana leaves externally is useful in shotha. Yoga: Beejakasararishta.

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BILWA Botanical Name : Aegle marmelos. Family: Rutaceae. Aegle, Means : Goat. Marmelos, means : Pear shaped fruit. Classical Categorization: Charaka Samhita-Shothahara, Arshohana, Asthapanopaga Mahakashaya Sushruta Samhita : Varunaadi gana, Ambashthaadi, Bhrutpanchamoola gana. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Guduchyadi varga. Synonyms : 1. Kantaaki 2. Gandhagarbha 3. Malura 4. Shalatu 5. Shandilya 6. Shailusha 7. Shriphala 8. Sadaphala 9. Putimaruta 10. Mahaphala 11. Vattasara 12. Gandhapatra 13. Tripatra 14. Shiveshta 15. Karkata 16. Grenthila 17. Mahakapitha 18. Shrigandhaphala 19. Goharitaki 20. Kuchama 21. Hridayagandha लैटिन-ईग्ल मार्मेलस ( Aegle marmelos Corr.); संस्कृत -बिल्व ( रोगान् विलति भिनत्ति-जो रोगों को नष्ट करे ); स्पीडिल्य ( पीड़ा को दूर करने वाला); शैलूष ( सुन्दर फल या पहाड़ों पर होने वाला ), श्रीफल ( सुन्दर फल ); मालूर ( शरीर की शोभा बढ़ाने वाला ); गन्धगर्भ (गंधयुक्त ); कण्टकी ( कंटकयुक्त ); सदाफल ( सदाफल लगे होने के कारण); महाकपित्थ ( बड़े कपित्थ के समान ); ग्रन्थिल ( शाखायें गांठ न होने से ); हिन्दी-बेल; मराठी-बेल; गुजराती-बीली; पंजाबी-बिल; बांग्ला-वेल; मलयालम- बिल्वम्; कन्नड़ -बेलपत्र; तेलगु-मोरेडुर; सिंधी-कठोरी; अरबी-सफरजले हिन्दी; फ़ारसी- बेह हिंदी फुल्ल; अंग्रेज़ी - Bael इसकी मज्जा को बिल्व पेशिका, बिल्व कटी कहते हैं । सूखे हुये गुदे को. बेलसोंठ या 'बेलगिरी' कहते हैं। External Morphology: It is a medium sized armed deciduous tree upto 8m height with straight, sharp, axillary thorns and yellowish brown furrowed corky bark. Habitat: All over India. Major chemical constituents: Roots : Xanthotoxin, Umbelliferone,  marmesin, marmin, skimming etc. Heart wood: Fluoroquinolone, marmesin, Beta-sitosterol. Leaves: Essential oil containing Alpha and Beta phellandrene, rutin, marmesin in, aegle, aegelenine etc. Ripe fruits : Xanthotoxin, marmesin, Skimmin etc. Unripe fruits : Marmeline, aegeline, imperatorin, alloimperatorin and Xanthotoxol etc. Rasapanchaka :                            Phala                  Moola Rasa    :     Kashaya, Tikta       Madhura Guna   :     Laghu, Ruksha      Laghu Veerya:     Ushana                    Ushana Vipaka:     Katu                         Madhura Dosha karma : Vattakaphahara. Indications :  Aruchi, Ajeerana, Aamavikara. Part Used : Fruit, Leaves, Roots. Doses:…

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BRUHATI Botanical Name : Solanum indicum. Family: Solanaceae. Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita : Kanthaya Mahakashaya, Hikka nigrahana Mahakashaya, Shothahara Mahakashaya, Angamarda prashmana Mahakashaya. Sushruta Samhita: Brahatyaadi gana, Laghu panchamula gana Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Guduchyadi varga. Synonyms : 1. Vaatarki 2. Kshudrabhantanki 3. Bhantakini 4. Mahti 5. Kuli 6. Raashtreeka 7. Sinhi 8. Mahoshtri 9. Dushapraharshini 10. Peetatandula 11. Kantalu 12. Kaantaaki 13. Vanavraatanki 14. Bahupatrika 15. Sthula kantaki Latin-सोलेनम इण्डिकम (Solanum indicum Linn.), संस्कृत-बृहत ( बड़ी ); क्षुद्र भण्टाकी ( बैंगन के सदृश किन्तु छोटा क्षुप); सिंही ( सिंह के सनत उच्च स्वर बनाने वाली ); हिन्दी-बड़ी कटेरी, बनभंटा; बांग्ला-व्याकुळ, मराठी-डारलः गुजराती-उभी रिंगणी; तामिल-पाप्पारामल्ली, तेलगु- तेल्लामूलक; फ़ारसी-कटाई कलाँ । External Morphology: It is an erect, very prickly much branched under shrub. Pricks large compressed at the base, usually somewhat curved. The branches minutely stellate lobed, cuneate or truncate at the base and often unequal sided. Leaves-simple, large, ovate, subentire sinuate or lobed, sparsely prickly on both sides, base cordate, often unequal . Flowers- blue in colour in extra axillary cymes. Fruit- globose berries, reddish or dark yellow. Seeds-smooth or minutely pitted. Chemical constituents : Solanin, carotene, corpesterol, solano capone, diosgenin, B-sitosterol, lanosterol, solasonine, solamargine, solasodine, Vit C. Rasa panchaka : Rasa : Katu, Tikta Guna : Laghu, Ruksha Veerya : Ushna Vipaka : Katu Dosha karma : Kapha vata hara Indications : Sangrahani, Jawara, Shvasa, Kasa, Agnimandya. Part Used: Moola, Phala, Patra. Matra : Choorana 3-5 gms, Kwatha 50-100ml Aamayika Prayoga: 1. Grahani : Brahati is taken with butter milk. 2. Khalitya : fresh juice of Brahati fruit is mixed with honey and used for local application. 3. Prajasthapana : Shveta brahati root juice is given a nasya. 4. To stop Vamana , its patra swarasa is given with Adraka . Yoga : 1. Brihatyadi kwatha 2. Dashmoolarishta 3. Laghupancha moola 4. Dashmoola ghrita

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BRAHMI Botanical Name : Bacopa monnieri. Family: Scrophulariaceae. Botanical Synonym: Herpestis moniera. Horpesties, means: Creaping. moniera, means: Necklace. Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita : Balya, prajasthapana, Sanjnasthapana Mahakashaya. Sushruta Samhita : Not mentioned. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Guduchyadi varga. Synonyms : 1. Somavalli 2. Saraswati 3. Somya 4. Divyateja 5. Mhoshadhi 6. Surya Shrestha 7. Vaidhatri 8. Swayambhuvi 9. Brahmani 10. Surajya 11. Suresa 12. Bharati 13. Medhaya 14. Vara 15. Lavanya 16. Divya 17. Smaarani 18. Sunama 19. Munika 20. Vayastha External Morphology: It is a prostrate or creeping, juicy, succulent, glabrous annual herb rooting at the nodes with numerous ascending branches. Leaves-simple, opposite, decussate, sessile, ovate, oblong, spatulate, entire, fleshy, obscurely veined, punctuate. Flowers-Pale blue or whitish, Axillary, solitary long slender pieces. Fruit-ovoid, acute, 2-celled, 2-valved capsule, tipped with style base. Seeds-minute, numerous. Habitat: Found throughout India in wet and damp places. Major chemical constituents : Ascorbic acid, Nicotinic acid, Brahmine, Herpestine, alanine, octacosane, monnierin, hersaponin, Beta-sitosterol, bacoside A and B, bacogeninsA1 and A4. Rasapanchaka : Rasa : Tikta, Kashaya, Madhura. Guna: Laghu. Virya : Sheeta. Vipaka : Madhura. Doshakarma : Vattapitta shamaka. Indications : Medha vikara, Swara vikara, Kushtha, Pandu, Premeha, Kasa, Visha, Jawara, Rakta vikara. Part Used : Panchanga. Doses: Swarasa 10-20ml, Chorana 500mg-1 gm. Aamika Prayoga: 1. Masurika : Brahami swaras is given with madhu. 2. Unmada : Brahmi swarasa is given with kushtha and Honey. 3. Apasmara : Rasona, Shatavari, juice of brahmi, kushtha, vacha are taken with honey. 4. Aamavatta : Brahmi swarasa is used externally. Yoga: 1. Brahmi ghrita 2. Dashmoola ghrita 3. Dashmoolarishta 4. Brahmi vati 5. Saraswatarishta 6.Saraswataghrita

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