

Botanical Name: Zingiber officinale.

Family: Zingiberaceae.

Classical Categorization :

  • Charaka Samhita : Triptighana, Arshoghana, Deepaniya , Shoolaprashamana, Trishana nigrahana Mahakashaya

Sushruta Samhita : Pippalyaadi gana
Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Haritakyadi varga

Synonyms :
2. Katubhedram
3. Vishv
4. Vishvabheshajam
5. Mahoshadhama
6. Shringavera
7. Vishva
8. Nagram
9. Ushanam
10. Katugranthi
11. Kafaari
12. Soparnam
13. Katu
14. Shoshanam
15. Utkattam
16. Avakachatram
17. Ahichatrakam

संस्कृत– आर्द्रक
गुजराती- आदुः
तमिल – इंजि;
अंग्रेज़ी -Fresh ginger .

External Morphology:
It is an erect perennial herb with aromatic rhizome.
Stem – erect and leafy,
leaves -subsessile / sessile, linear or lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous.
Flowers-Yellowish green in oblong, cylindrical spikes.
Fruit-Oblong capsule.
Rhizome-white to yellowish brown,
irregularly branched, smooth annulated and laterally flattened, growing tips are covered over by a few scales, surface of rhizome is smooth and if broken, a few fibrous elements of the vascular bundles
project out from the cut ends.

Habitat :
Cultivated throughout India, run wild in some places in the western ghats.

Chemical Composition :
Alpha-curcumene, Beta and Dextro curcumene, citral, citronellol, geraniol, gingerol, Alpha, Beta zingiborenes, Zingiberol , gingeo glycolipids A,B and C, gingerone B and C etc.

Rasapanchaka :
Rasa : Katu.
Guna: Guru, Ruksha, Tikshana.
Virya : Ushna.
Vipaka : Madhura.
Dosha Karma : Kapha vata shamaka.

Indications :
Mutra vikaar, Aaamadosha, Kushtha, Jwara, Shotha, Shwasa, Kasa, Vedana, Vata vikara, etc.

Part used : Rhizome.

Doses : Choorana 1-2 gms, Swarasa 3-10 ml

Aamyika Prayoga:
1. Pratishaya : Aadraka and milk is given.
2. Kaphaja Arsha : Aadraka and Kulatha is given.
3. Murcha : Ardraka swarasa is used as Nasya.
4. Agnimandya : Before food it is given with lavan
5. Kasa, Shvasa, Peenasa, Jwara : Aadraka swaras is given with honey.

Yoga :
1. Nagaradi Kashayam.
2. Aadraka Rasayana
3. Aadraka ghrita.
4. Ardraka Khanda.
5. Soubhagya Shunthi.

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