Botanical Name : Terminalia arjuna.
Family: Combretaceae
Classical Categorization:
Charaka samhita: Udardaprashamana Mahakashaya.
Sushruta Samhita: Nayogrodhadhigana, Sakaraadigana
Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Vataadi varga
Latin– अर्जुन ( Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.)
संस्कृत – अर्जुन , धवल ( बाह्य त्वक श्वेत होने के कारण ), ककुभ (विस्तृत होने के कारण); इंद्र ( बड़ा वृक्ष होने से ); वीर वृक्ष ( काण्ड दृढ़ होने से ); नदीसर्ज ( नदी-नालों के किनारे अधिक और साज वृक्ष के सदृश होने के कारण ),
हिन्दी-अर्जुन, काहू, महुआ;
गुजराती – सादडो;
तेलुगु –तेल्लमद्दी;
कन्नड़ –मद्दि;
अंग्रेज़ी – अर्जुन ( Arjuna ) ।
External Morphology:
It is an large evergreen tree with buttressed trunk and spreading crown with drooping branches.
Bark-Smooth, grey outside and flesh
coloured in side, Making off in large flat pieces.
Leaves-Simple, subopposite, oblong or elliptic, coracious, crenulate, pale dull green
above and pale brown beneath, often unequal sided, nerves 10-15 pairs, reticulate venation.
Flowers white in panicles of spikes with
linear bracteoles (borne in shortly panicled-spikes).
Fruit ovoid or oblong with 5-7 short, hard angles or wings.
It grows throughout India.
Chemical composition :
Arachidic stearate, cerasidin, arjunic acid, tannins, arjunole, arjunetin, arjunic acid, tannins, arjunole, arjunatin, arjunolone,
arjun glucosides I and II, arjunoside, arjunolic acid.
Rasa Panchaka :
Rasa : Kashaya.
Guna: Laghu, Ruksha.
Veerya : Sheets.
Vipaka : Katu.
Dosha Karma : Kapha pitta hara.
Indications :
Udarda, Premeha, Varna, Javara, Hridaya roga.
Part Used : Bark.
Doses: Chorana 3-6 gms, Kwatha 50-100ml
Ksheera paka 5-10 ml, Swarasa 10-20 ml
Aamika Prayoga :
1. Shukrameha : Kwatha of Arjuna and Chandana is useful.
2. Puyameha : Kwatha of Dhawa and Arjuna is useful
3. Hridroga : Godhoma and arjuna bark processed in oil, ghee,and jaggery is given orally with milk.
4. Asthibhagna : Arjuna twak chorana and Laksha mixed with guggulu and pounded with ghee is given. It promotes union of the fracture.
5. Vrana : Leaves of Katamba, Arjuna, Nimba, Pippali and Arka are useful for healing the wound.
Yoga :
1. Arjuna ghrita
2. Arjunarishta
3. Kakubhai chorana
4. Nagaarjunabhra rasa