Swarasa kalpana- Herbal juice
Swarasa kalpna is juicy extraction from the fresh herb. This is the first one among the Panchvidha Kashaya Kalpana. Swarasa (extrated juice) is more potent than other four kashaya Kalpana.
Swarasa kalpna is juicy extraction from the fresh herb. This is the first one among the Panchvidha Kashaya Kalpana. Swarasa (extrated juice) is more potent than other four kashaya Kalpana.
Panchvidha Kashaya Kalpana in ayurveda means five types of basic formulations for Aushadh dravya.. The thing is that all the substances for use in the body first have to be converted into the form of Swarasa, kalka, Churna, avaleha, kwatha etc.