
ASHWAGANDHA Botanical Name: Withania somnifera. Family: Solanaceae. Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita : Balya, Brahmaniya Mahakashaya. Sushruta Samhita : Not mentioned Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Guduchayadi varga. Synonyms : 1. Vaaji 2. Haayahvaya 3.Vrahakarni 4. Vardaa 5. Balada 6. Kushthagandhini 7. Kanchuka 8. Kamarupini 9. Gandhapatri 10. Vrisha 11. Ashwavrohaka 12. Marutahani 13. Putrada संस्कृत -अश्वगंधा, वराहकर्णी, हिन्दी -असगंध; बंग्ला-अश्वगंधा; मराठी -आसंध, डोरगुंज; गुजराती -आसंध, घोड़ा आहन, घोड़ा आकुन; तामिल-आमकुलांग; तेलगु -पनेर, कन्नड़ -अश्वगंधी। External Morphology: It is an erect branching undershrub reaching about 5 feets in height, usually clothed with minutely stellate tomentum. Leaves petioled 2-4 inches long, ovate, subacute, base acute. Flowers greenish or lurid yellow, usually about 5 together in subsessile umbelliform cymes. Fruits globose berries, orange coloured when mature, enclosed in a persistant calyx. Habitat: Throughout in drier parts of India. Chemical Composition : Withaferin A, Withanone, Withanolide Ato Y, Somnitol, nicotine, tropine, sominone, sominolide. Rasapanchaka : Rasa : Tikta, Kashaya Guna: Laghu, Snigdha. Virya : Ushana. Vipaka : Madhura. Dosha Karma : Vata Kapha Nashak. Indications : Shukra Dosha, Shivitra, Shotha, Shavasa, Shotha. Part Used : Moola, Patra. Matra: Chorana 3-6 gms. Aamika Prayoga: 1. Vataja hridroga : Kalka of Ashwagandha and Vibhitaki chorana are mixed with honey and given with like warm water. 2.Shavasa : Ashwagandha kshara with honey and ghee is used. 3. Nidranash: Ashwagandha churna with ghee and sugar is useful. Yoga : 1. Ashwagandhadi Churna. 2.Ashwagandha ghrita 3.Aahwagandhaadi Rasayana 4.Ashwagandhaadi lehya 5.Ashwagandharishta 6.Bala Ashwagandha lakshaadi Taila.

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GOKSHURA Botanical Name : Tribulus terrestris. Family: Zygophyllaceae. Tribulus means, having three sides. terrestris means of the ground Classical Categorization: Charaka samhita: शोथहर, मूत्रविरेचनीय, कृमिघ्न, अनुवासनोपग महाकषाय । Sushruta Samhita : विदारिगंधादि, वीरतर्वादि, लघुपंचमूल, कण्टकपंचमूल, वाताश्मरीभेदन। Bhavaprakasha nighantu : गुडूच्यादि वर्ग। Synonyms : 1. Kshuraka 2. Swadukantaka 3. Shavadanshtra 4. Gokantaka 5. Bakshakantaka 6. Kantaphala 7. Trikantaka 8. Ikshugandhika 9. Vanashringataka 10. Chanadruma 11. Sthalashringataka 12. Shadanga 13. Plankasha Latin -ट्रिबुलस टेरेस्ट्रिस ( Tribulus terrestris Linn.); संस्कृत- गोक्षुर (छुरे की तरह तेज़ कांटे खेतों में चरने वाले पशुओं के पैर में गड़ते हैं और क्षत करते हैं); श्वदंष्ट्रा (कुत्ते की दंष्ट्रा-canine teeth के सदृश तीक्ष्ण कंटक युक्त ); स्वादुकंटक ( मधुर कंटक वाला ); त्रिकंटक ( तीन काँटों वाला ); वनशृङ्गाट ( वनों में होने वाला सिंघाड़े की आकृति का फल ); चणद्रुम ( चने के सदृश पत्रयुक्त ); इक्षुगन्धिका ( ईख के समान मधुर गंध वाला ); हिन्दी-गोखरू,हषचिकार; बांग्ला-गोखरू, गोक्षुर; मराठी -सराटे, कांटे गोखरू, गुजराती-न्हाना गोखरू,बेठा गोखरू; पंजाबी- भाखड़ा; तामिल, मलयालम-नेरुंजी; तेलगु -पन्नेरूमुल्लू; कन्नड़-सन्ना नेम्गुलु; फ़ारसी-खोरखसक; अरबी-हसक; अंग्रेज़ी-लैंड कैल्ट्राप्स ( Land caltrops ); पंक्चर वाइन ( Puncture vine ) । External Morphology: Annual or perennial prostrate herb. With many slender spreading branches and is clotted with silky hairs. Leaves are pinnate and opposite. Leaflets are almost sessile rounded or oblique at the base and mucronate at the apex. Flowers are bright yellow, solitary and pseudo axillary or leaf opposite. Fruit are glabrous, hairy, 5 angled, spinous with 2 long and 2 short and spine on each cocci. Seeds one or more in each coccus. Habitat: Throughout India as a weed along roadside and waste places. Chemical Composition : Fruits contains chlorogenin, diosgenin, gitogenin, rutin, rhamnose. Roots contains campesterol, B-ritosterol and stigmasterol, neotigogenin. Aerial parts cobrains astregolin, diosein, diosgenin, hecogenin, ruscogenin, trillin, furostanol glycoside, spirosterol saponin, terrestris A-F saponins C And G etc. Varieties : There are two type of varieties : 1. T. terrestris (zygophyllaceae E) 2. Pedalium murex (pedaliaceae F.) P.murex is a glabrous annual herb. Leaves opposite or alternate, irregularly toothed or almost lobed Flowers solitary, axillary with 2  glands at the base. Fruits are capsule, hard indehiscent, pyramidal ovoid with a 4 patent spines from…

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GAMBHARI Botanical Name: Gmelina arborea. Family: Verbenaceae. Gmelina was name of the scientist. arborea means tree like. Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita : शोथहर, दाह प्रशमन, विरेचनोपग महाकषाय। Sushruta Samhita : सारिवादि गण, बृहत पंचमूल। Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : गुडूच्यादि वर्ग। Synonyms : 1. Bhedra parni 2. Shriparni 3. Madhuparnika 4. Kashmiri 5. Kashmarya 6. Heera 7. Peetarohini 8. Krishanavrinta 9. Madhurasa 10. Mahakusumika 11. Sarvatobhedra 12. Suphala 13. Sthula twacha 14. Kataphala 15. Mahakumbhi 16. Vatahata लैटिन-मेलिना अर्बोरिया (Gmelina arborea Linn. ); संस्कृत-गम्भारी, श्रीपर्णी (सुन्दर पत्रों वाली), मधुपणी के ( पत्तों में मध के सदृश रस होने के कारण ); काश्मरी ( सुन्दर वृक्ष होने से); पीतरोहिणी (पीत पुष्पों से  युक्त); काश्मीरी ( काश्मीर आदि पार्वत्य प्रदेश में होने से ): हिन्दी-गँभार; पंजाबी-गंभारी; मराठी-शिवण; गुजराती- शीवण, सवन; बांग्ला-गामार; तामिल-गुमादि; तेलगु-पद्मगोमरु। External morphology: An armed moderate sized deciduous tree 15-20 meter in height. Bark-greyish yellow corky. Branchlets and young parts clothed with fine white mealy pubescent. Leaves-10-20 cm long, 7.5 to 15 cm wide. Broadly ovate, acuminate, entire,glabrous above when mature, stellately fulvous-tomentose beneath. Flower - yellow and in terminal panicles. Fruit-fleshy ovoid drupe, orange yellow when ripe. Seeds-hard, oblong. Habitat: Throughout India in moist deciduous forests. Chemical composition : Beta-sitosterol, coryl alcohol, gmelina, butyric and tartaric acid, apigenin , premnazole, arborone, arboreal, isoarboreol. Alkaloids and lignas. Rasapanchaka : Rasa : Tikta, Kashaya, Madhura Guna : Guru Virya : Ushana Vipaka : Katu Doshas Karma : Tridosha Shamak Indications : Shotha, Trishana, Aama, Arshas, Visha roga, Jwara, Daha etc. Part Used : Mula, Mula twaka, Phala, Patra Doses: Moola churana 3-6 gms, Phala, Patra Aamika Prayoga : 1. Atisara: Kashmarya phala yusha, Water and sugar is used. 2. Rakta pitta : Flowers of Kovidaar, Kashmarya, Shalmali, are useful. 3. Pitta Jwara : Hima of Kashmarya is given with Sugar. 4. Dourbalya : Tender leaves are given with ksheer. 5. Bala Shosha : Phala majja and Yastimadhu boiled in ksheera and can be given with kshera. Yoga: 1. Dashmoolarishta 2. Brihatpanchamoolaadi kwatha 3. Shriparnayadi kwatha 4. Shriparnayadi Taila 5. Dashmoola ghrita 6. Dashmoola haritaki 7. Dashmoola shat palak ghrita

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 APAMARGA Botanical Name : Achyranthes aspera. Family: Amaranthaceae. Achyranthes, means : Thorn. Aspera, means : Refering to the spinous bracts inflorescence. Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita : Shiroverechana Mahakashaya, Krimihana Mahakashaya, Vamnopaga Mahakashaya. Sushruta Samhita : Arkaadigana. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Guduchyadi varga. Synonyms : 1. Shikhri 2.Mayuraka 3. Duragraha 4. Kharamanjaari 5. Kshavaka 6.Adhashalya 7. Markaati 8. Kinhi 9. Pratyakapushpa 10. Aaghaat 11. Margaa 12. Ksharamadhya लैटिन-एकाइरैन्थस ऐस्परा (Achyranthes aspera Linn.); संस्कृत - अपामार्ग ( दोषों का मार्जक या संशोधक), शिखरी (पुष्प-फल शिखरतुल्य मंजरी में होने से ); अधःशल्य (अधोमुख कटक); मयूरक, खरमंजरी ( पुष्प मंजरी खर होने से), प्रत्यक्पुष्पा (पुष्प अधोमुख होने से ), आघाट हिन्दी -चिड़चिड़ी, चिरचिटा, चिचड़ा लटजीरा; बंगाली -अपाङ्, पंजाबी -पुठकंडा; मराठी -आघाड़ा; गुजराती -अघेड़ों; तामिल-नाजुरिबि; तेलुगु -अपामार्ग; उत्तरेन; कन्नड़ -उत्तरेन; मलयालम -कटलती अरबी - अल्कुम; फ़ारसी -खारेवाजगून; अंग्रेज़ी -प्रिकली चाफ फ्लावर ( Prickly chaff flower) Habitat: Throughout India, along roadsides and waste places as well as on hils upto 90m. Morphology: A coarse weed 1-3 ft height. Stem -erect, simple, or slightly branched, branches striate, pubescent, thickened, just above the nodes. Leaves-simple opposite, exstipulate, velvety, tomentose. Flowers bracteate, bracteolate, greenish, deflexed, in slender spikes. Seeds single inverse. Flowering - In Winters Fruiting - In summers the fruit is ripen & falls off. Varieties : Kaidev Nighantu mentions 3 varieties of Apamarga. Apamarga (white variety), Vasheera, Ramaatha. Bhavaprakasha nighantu, Dhanwantari Nighantu mentioned 2 varieties of Apamarga as Shveta Apamarga and Rakta Apamarga. Chemical composition : Whole plant: Achyranthine. Root : Ecdysone, Ecdysterone, Oleanolic acid Seeds : Saponin A,B, C,D, Hentriacontane. Rasa panchaka of Panchanga : Rasa : Katu, Tikta. Guna: Tikshana, Laghu, Ruksha, Saara. Veerya : Ushna. Vipaka : Katu. Indications: Aadhamana, Arsha, Kan du, Shoola etc. Part Used : Whole plant. Matra-Swarasa 10-20 ml Kshara 0.5-2 gms. Aamika Prayoga : 1. Ashmari-it is given with aaja mutra. 2. Rakta arsha-beeja lepa is useful. 3. Netra Roga-it's paste of root is made with madhu and applies as anjana. 4. Vrana Shodhana-Apamarga, Ashwagandha ,  Nimba, Koshtaki , Tila, Brahati, Kantakari, Haratala, manhshila are used. 5. Arsha: Apamarga roots is grained with tanduloodaka and given with madhu. 6. Varna ropana: Apamarga, ashwagandha, suvarchala and  kakolyaadi gana…

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ASHOKA Botanical Name : Saraca asoca. Family: Caesalpiniaceae. Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita : Vedana sthapana Mahakashaya. Sushruta Samhita : Rodhradi varga. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Pushapavarga. Synonyms:  Latin-सराका अशोका ( Saraca asoca (Roxb.) संस्कृत -अशोक, हेमपुष्प ( स्वर्ण वर्ण पुष्प वाला), ताम्र पल्लव; हिन्दी -मराठी-गुजराती-अशोक; बांग्ला -अशोक; तामिल-अशोघम्; तेलगु -अशोकमु । External Morphology: It is a medium sized tree upto 9 m height with numerous spreading and drooping glabrous branches, Leaves-pinnate, 30-60 cm long, rachis glabrous, corky at the base petioles very short stipules intra petiolar completely united. Leaflets 4-8 paired, rigidly subconscious, lanceolate. Flowers orange or yellow in dense axillary corymbs. Fruits-pod, flat black, leathery, compressed, seeds 4-8 per pod. Bark is dark brown to grey or black with a warty surface, fresh cut ends are pale yellowish red. The entire cut surface turn reddish on exposure to air. Habitat: It grows throughout India, in evergreen forests upto an elevation of about 750m. Chemical Composition : Bark-alkanes, esters and primary akohols, n-octacoanol, tannin, catechin, catechol, epicatechin etc. Flowers : Fatty acids, gallic acid, sitosterol quercetin etc. Rasa panchaka : Rasa : Kashaya, Tikta. Guna: Laghu, Ruksha. Virya : Sheets. Vipaka : Katu. Dosha Karma : Kapha-pitta shamak. Indications : Grahani, Vrana, Shotha, Visha, Vedana, Trisha, kTimi ,  Garbhashaya vikara. Part Used: Bark, Leaves, Flowers, Seeds. Dosages : Twaka kwatha 50-100ml Beeja chorana 1-2 gms. Pushpa Churana 1-3gm. Aamika Prayoga : 1. Rakta Pradara: Milk boiled with decoction of Ashoka is useful in Rakta pradara. 2. Ashamari : Ashoka beeja chorana with water is give Ashamari. 3. Vatavyadhi : Ashoka ghrita is useful in Vatavyadhi. Yoga : 1. Ashokarishta 2. Ashok Ghrita

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AGNIMANTHA Botanical Name : Premna mucronata. Family : Verbenaceae. Botanical Synonym : Clerodendron phlomoides. Kleros, means-chance. Dendron, means-tree. Premna, means-a stump, low stature of species. Integri, means-entire or whole. Folia, means-Leaf. Classical Categorization : Charak: Samhita : Shothahara Mahakashaya, Sheetapra- shmana Mahakashaya, Anuvasnopaga Mahakashaya. Sushruta Samhita : Vrahat Panchamoola, Veertarvadi gana, Vrunaadigana Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Guduchyadi Varga. Synonyms : 1. Agnimathana 2. Arneeka 3. Ketu 4. Ganikarika 5. Jaya 6. Jayanti 7. Tarkaari 8. Nadeya 9. Vaigyanika 10. Jaya 11 Shriparna 12. Vatahaani नाम लै०-प्रेम्ना मुक्रोनेटा ( Premna mucronata Roxb. ) सं०-अग्निमन्थ ( इसकी लकड़ियों को परस्पर रगड़ने से आग निकाली जाती है यज्ञादि में) ; जय ( रोगों को जीतने वाला ), श्रीपर्ण ( सुन्दर पत्रों वाला ), गणिकारिका  ( गणिका चासावारिका च-समूह में होने वाला सुन्दर वृक्ष और स्वास्थ्य प्रदान करने  वाली), वातघ्नी ( बात को नष्ट करने वाली); हि०-अरनी, गनियार,अनाथ; म-ऐरण, टाकली; गु०-अरणी; ब-गणो भारी; ता०-थलनदी;  जे०-नेलीचेट्ट। Habitat: In forest of South India. External Morphology: It is a small medium sized deciduous tree. Stem and large branches has spines. Leaves-membranous, broadly ovate, sharply acuminate, upper surface-glabrous when mature, Lower surface hairy specially at midrib. Leaves after drying turns black and when  crushed emits smell. Flowers-Corymb, greenish-white with unpleasant smell Calyx  5 toothed clothed with spreading hairs, Corola-greenish white. Fruit  Drupe, globose, black coloured Seeds-oblong. Flowering - April - May Fruiting -  May- June   Varieties :   Ashtanga Sangraha mentions  Tarkari dvaya. Brahatriyis mention 2 type of Agnimantha. Shodhala Nighantu mentions Agnimantha and Arani as 2 different varieties. Bhavna Mishra mentions 1 variety that is Agnimantha and synonym as Tarkzaari. Nighantu Ratnakar mentions Laghu Agnimantha and Brahat Agnimantha. Important Phytoconstituents : B-Sitosterol, luteolin, aphelandrine, premnine, betulin , ganiarine, ganikarine, premnenol, premna spirodiene. Rasapanchaka : Rasa: Tikta, Katu, Kashaya, Madhura. Guna : Laghu, Ruksha. Virya : Ushna. Vipaka : Katu. Karma: Kapha-Vatta Hara, Sathi Hara, Deepana. Rogahanta : Shotha, Pandu, Vasameha, Sheetapitta, Udard , Kushta , Sthoulya. प्रयोग दोष प्रयोग–यह कफ वात जन्य रोगों में प्रयुक्त होता है। संस्थानिक प्रयोग-बाह्य-कहीं शोथ और पीडा होने पर इसकी पत्तियों को   गरम  कर बाँधते हैं। आभ्यन्तर-नाडी संस्थान -यह वातव्याधि में बहुशः प्रयुक्त होता है । पाचन संस्थान-यह अग्निमांद्य, आमदोष, विबन्ध आदि…

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AMALAKI Botanical Name : Emblica officinalis. Family: Euphorbiaceae. Botanical Synonym : Phyllanthus emblica. Emblica, means : Amlika. Officinalis, means : available in market. Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita : Jawarahana Mahakashaya ,  Kasahana Mahakashaya, Veerechanopaga Mahakashaya, Kushthahana Mahakashaya, Vayasthapana Mahakashaya. Sushruta Samhita : Aamlakyaadi gana, Parushakaadi gana, Triphalaadi gana. Bhavaprakash Nighantu : Haritakyadi varga. Synonyms : 1. Vayasya 2. Vreshaya 3. Jati phala rasa 4. Shivam 5. Dhatri phala 6. Shri phala 7. Amrit phala 8. Tishya phala 9. Amala 10. Vayastha 11. Vreetaphala 12. Kollam 13. Korangaaka 14. Sheetaphala 15. Shadraasa नाम Latin-एम्ब्लिका ऑफिसिनेलिस (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) संस्कृत- आमलकी , धात्री हिन्दी-आँवला; बंगाली-आमलकी, आमला; तामिल-नेल्लीकाई; तेलगु-उशीरिकई कन्नड़, मलयालम -नेल्ल; फ़ारसी -आम्लज, आमला; अंग्रेजी -एम्ब्लिक मिरोबेलन ( Emblic myrobalan ) External Morphology: Small to medium sized deciduous tree 8-18 min height. Bark is thin light grey coloured, exfoliating in small thin irregular flakes. Branches spreading, Branchlets glabrous, or finely pubescent. Flowers : Greenish yellow, in axillary  fascicles on the leaf bearing branchlets. Fruit : 1-1.5 cm diameter, fleshy, globose with 6 obscure vertical furrows, pale yellow of three 2-seeded crustaceous cocci. Habitat: Throughout India, in deciduous forests and on hill slops upto 200 meter height, and also cultivated in plains. Chemical constituents : Fruit-Ellagic acid, Amlaic acid, Phyllantine, Phylantidine, Zeatin, Zeatin nucleotide, Zeatin riboside, Benzenoid, Chebulic acid, chebulinic acid, Chebulagic acid, Gallic acid, Ethyl galate, Beta glucogatin, Digallic acid, Emblicol, Phyllemblic acid, Ascorbic acid, Triterpene, Lupeol, Phyllemblin, Flavonoid, Kaempferol, Putin, Beta sitosterol, Tannins, Carbohydrates, proteins, Fat, Calcium. Bark-Tannin. Leaves-Tannin. It is a rich source of Vit C-600mg/100gm of Amalaki. Rasa panchaka : Rasa : Amla pradhana, lavana varjita pancharas. Guna : Laghu, Ruksha, Saara. Virya : Sheets. Vipaka : Madhura. Dosha karma : Tridosha Hara. Vatahara due to Amla rasa. Pittahara due to Sheeta virya. Kaphahara due to Ruksha guna and kashaya rasa. Indications : Adhamana, Kandu, Aamavikara, Medovikara, as Rasayana etc. Part Used: Fruit Dose : Swarasa 10-20 ml Phala churana 3-10gm. Amayika Prayoga : 1. Pandu/Kamla : Amalaki chorana with loha bhasma is beneficial. 2. Premeha : Amalaki and Haridra churna is beneficial. 3. Khalitya : Paste prepared with amalaki churna, japan ,pushpa, and mandura is…

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ARAGWADHA Botanical Name : Cassia fistula. Family: Fabaceae. Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita : Kushthahana Mahakashaya, Kanduhana Mahakashaya. Sushruta Samhita : Aragwadhadi gana, Shyamaadi gana. Synonyms : 1. Rajavriksha 2. Shampaka 3. Chaturangula 4. Deerghaphala 5. Aarevata 6. Vyaadhighaat 7. Kreetamala 8. Suvarnaka 9. Karnikara 10. Karnabharana 11. Kushthasudana 12. Aarogyashimbi 13. Pragraha 14. Amaha 15. Javarantaka 16. Drumotapala 17. Parivyaadha लैटिन -कैसिया फिस्टुला (Cassia fistula Linn. ) संस्कृत -आरम्भ (रोगों को नष्ट करने वाला ); राजवृक्ष ( सुन्दर वृक्ष ), शम्पाक ( कल्याणकारी फल देने वाला ); तिरंगा ( पर्वों का प्रमाण चार अंगुल होने से ), आरेवत (बालों को निकालने वाला ); व्याधि घात ( रोगों को दूर करने वाला ); कृतमाल (पुष्पों की माला धारण करने वाला); वर्णक ( सुन्दर वर्ण वाला ) ; दीर्घंफल ( लम्बे फल वाला ); स्वर्णभूषण ( पीतवर्ण के सुवर्णसदृशो पुष्पों से युक्त ) । हिन्दी - अनलतास, सियरलाठी; मराठी -बाहवा; गुजराती-गरमालो; पंजाबी - गिर्दनली; -गिरमालो किरमाल सिंधी -छिमकणी; बंगाली -सोंदाल; तामिल-कोंड, इराधविरुट्टम्, तेलगु- आरग्वधमु रेल; मलयालम -कनिकोन्ना; कश्मीरी -फलूस, अरबी -खियार शंबर, फ़ारसी -खियार चंवर; अंग्रेजी -पजिङ्ग कालिया ( purging cassia )। Habitat: It grows throughout India in deciduous forests. External Morphology:  It is a moderate sized deciduous tree, having greenish grey smooth bark when young and rough when old, exfoliating in hard scales. Leaves pinnately compound, leaflets 4-8 paired, ovate acute, bright green, glabrous above. Flowers-Bright yellow in pendulous racemes. Fruits-pods, nearly straight smooth, shiny, brownish black. Seeds- broadly ovate. Varieties : Dhanwantri Nighantu mentioned 2 varities named Aragwadha and Karnikara. Chemical Composition: Seeds: Sugars, galactomanan. Flowers: Fistulin, leucopelargonidin, tetramerkaempferol Pods: Fistulic acid Bark and Heart wood : Barbaloin, fistucacidin, rhein. Leaves: Rhein, sennosides A and B. Rasapanchaka : Rasa : Madhura. Guna: Mridu, Guru, Snigdha. Virya : Sheeta Vipaka : Madhura Dosha karma : kapha- pittahara Indications: Javara, Raktapitta, Ajeerana, Kaphavikaar, Kushtha, Shotha, etc. Part Used: Whole Plant (Root bark, leaves, flowers, fruit pulp). Matra : Moolatwaka kwatha 50-100ml Flower paste 5-10 gms. Fruit pulp 5-10gms. Yoga : 1. Aragwadhaadi kwatha choorana. 2. Aragwadhadi ehya. 3. Aaragwadhaadi Taila. 4. Aaragwadharishta. Aamayika prayoga: 1. In Aamavatta, Vatarakta, Vranashotha : Phala majia is applied externally. 2. In Ardita :…

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