Kalka Kalpana – Herbal paste

The paste formed by grinding the herb on the grinding stone (sila batta) is known as kalka Kalpana or herbal paste.

This is considered the second among the Panchvidha Kashaya Kalpana after swarasa kalpana.

Definition of Kalka

य पिण्डो रसपिष्टानां स कल्कः प्रकीर्तितः।(च. सू. 4/7)

According to CHARAKA, Grinding the substance along with its rasa and forming a paste (chatni) is called kalka.

उपलदशनादिपिष्टस्तु कल्कः । (अ. सं. क. 8/10)

According to Astang Sangrah, A substance grinded with teeth or grinding stone or grinder machine into a fine paste is said to be called Kalka.

द्रव्यमार्द्र शिलापिष्टं शुष्कं वा सजलं भवेत् । प्रक्षेपावापकल्कास्ते तन्मानं कर्षसंमितम्।। (शा. सं. म. ख. 5/1)

According to Sharangdhar, ardra (wet) dravya are grinded as it is while some water is added into the powder of shushka (dry) dravya to make it in the form of a paste or chatni or pinda, this is called Kalka.

Difference between swarasa and kalka kalpana:

The main difference between the swarasa and kalka Kalpana is that in swarasa only the liquid part or more specifically say Sāra bhāaga (nutritive part) of the herb is taken and the kashtha bhaaga (solid part) is thrown while in Kalka both the Sara and kashtha bhaaga are brought into use and thus is the reason Kalka is laghu (lighter) than the swarasa kalpana.

Synonyms of Kalka :

  • Prakshepa
  • Aavapa
  • Pinda
  • Chatni
  • Lugdi
  • Paste
  • Bolus

When the chatni (paste) is directly administered it is known as Kalka.

While when the paste is added with some other substances or used to make other formulations such as in tailapaka, ghritapaka, asava or arishta, then it is called Kalka, Prakshepa or Aavapa.

Quantity of Kalka :

Kalka matra = 1 karsha (12 gms)

Prakshepa dravya (Adjuvants)

In order to enhance the taste as well as properties of Kalka some prakshepa dravya such as honey, oil, jaggery etc. are added. The amount in which they should be added is as follows :

  • Honey, Ghee, Oil = 2 times of the amount of Kalka.
  • Jaggery, sugar = same amount as that of Kalka.
  • Any other liquid = 4 times that of kalka.

Uses of Kalka

  • Administered directly in the form of medicine.
  • In snehapaka and snehamurchchana the Kalka is added and fried.
  • Kalka is used in the form of pralepa (Topical application) and pradeha (ointment).
  • To clean the wounds and reduce inflammation.
  • Pramathya is prepared using Kalka.
  • Many other formulations are prepared by firstly making Kalka of the herbs.

Neem Kalka

The paste of neem leaves is used in

  • Cleaning and healing of wounds.
  • Reduce Vomiting
  • Helpful in skin disorders
  • Reduces Pitavikara and Kaphavikara.
  • Destroys worms, germs and intestinal parasites.

Rasona Kalka

The garlic paste when mixed with sesame oil and administrated orally helps in

  • Vata disorders
  • Visham jwara

Also Read All other type of Kashaya kalpana

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