JAMBU Botanical Name : Syzygium cumini. Family: Myrtaceae. Botanical Synonym : Eugenia jambolana. Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita : मत्रसंग्रहणीय, पुरीषविरंजनीय, छर्दिनिग्रहणीय महाकषाय। Sushruta Samhita: न्यग्रोधादि गण। Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : आम्रादि वर्ग। Synonyms : 1. Phalendra 2. Rajajambu 3. Mahaphala 4. Mahajambu 5. Suchipatra 6. Jambu 7. Mahaskandha 8. Maharasa 9. Meghamodini 10. Neelaphala 11. Neelanjanachada latin-सिजिगियम क्युमिनि (Syzygium cumini) संस्कृत-जम्बू, महाफला, फलेन्द्रा: हिन्दी -जामुन. बांग्ला- कालजाम; पंजाबी- जामलु; मराठी- जांभूल; गुजराती- जांबू; तामिल-शबल नावल, तेलगु- नेरेडू; मलयालम-नवल्, कन्नड़-नेरले; अंग्रेज़ी-जामुन (Jamun)। External Morphology: It is a medium sized large tree with smooth light grey bark having dark patches. Branches terete, pale when dry. Leaves-simple and opposite, variable in shape, ovate to oblong ovate, bluntly acuminate, subacute or obtuse, slightly narrow at the base, firmly coriaceous, paler beneath, Lateral nerves many and close, Mid rib and intramarginal nerve prominent beneath. Nerves joining in distinct marginal nerve, gland dotted, smooth shiny. Flowers-grayish white in trichotomous panicles. Fruit-oblong or ovoid-oblong succulent. Dark purple with pinkish juicy pulp. One seeded. Habitat: Throughout India, in forest upto 1890 m m banks and moist areas. Chemical Composition : Fruits-Eugenia, Triterpenoids A and B, Oleanolic Acid, malic acid, glucose, fructose, gallic acid etc. Seeds-ellagic acid Stem bark and roots-Kaempferol, myricetin, quercetin. Leaves-Citric acid, oxalic acid, glycolic acid, glucose, Leucine, Sitosterol, Dihydro myricitine, etc. Rasapanchaka : Beeja Rasa : Madhura, Amla, Kashaya. Guna: Guru, Ruksha. Veerya : Sheets. Vipaka : Katu. Rasapanchaka : Twaka Rasa : Kashaya Guna : Ruksha Veerya : Sheets Vipaka : Katu Dosha Karma : Vataprakopaka Indications : Madhumeha, Atisara, Chardi, Raktapitta, Daha, Varna. Part Used: Phala, Beeja, Twaka Doses: Swarasa 10-20 ml Kwatha 50-100ml Churana 3-6 gms Aamika Prayoga: 1. Rakta pitta: Cold infusion of Jambu, Amra, Arjuna is given. 2. Grahani : Juice from its bark with equal quantity of goats milk is given. 3. Vayanga: Leaves of Jambu, amra, Haridra, Daruharidra is applied. 4. Chardi : Leaves of Jambu, amra are mixed with Madhu. 5. Mukha Roga: Its kwatha is used as gandusha. 6. Madhumeha: Seeds are used. Yoga : 1. Pushyanuga churna 2. Usheerasava 3. Pancha Pallava yoga 4. Jambavadya taila 5. Jambvadya ghrita 6. Madhumeha hari…