BIBHITAKI Botanical Name: Terminalia bellirica. Family: Combretaceae. Terminalia, means: Group of leaves are terminal in position. Belerica, it is an Arabic word means bely. Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita:Verechanopaga, Jawarahara Mahakashaya. Sushruta Samhita : Mustaadi, Triphala gana. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Haritakyaadi varga. Synonyms : 1. Aksha 2. Karshaphala 3. Kalidruma 4. Bhootwala 5. Kaliyugaya 6. Tusha 7. Kasahana 8. Tailaphala 9. Vaasanta 10. Samvartaka 11. Vindhyajata 12. Vibhedaka 13. Bahuveerya 14. Behedaka Latin-टर्मिनेलिया बेलरिका ( Terminalia bellirica Roxb. ); संस्कृत-बिभीतक (विगतं रोगभयमस्मात्-बिभ्यति रोगा अस्मात् इति वा-जिसके सेवन से रोगों का भय जाता है); कर्षफल ( इसका फल १ कर्ष = २० ग्रा० वजन का होता है ); अक्ष ( इसके वीज जुआ खेलने में प्रयुक्त होते थे ); कलिद्रुम ( जुआ में प्रयुक्त होने के कारण ही इसे कलह का वृक्ष कहते हैं), हिन्दी-मराठी-गुजराती-बहेड़ा बांग्ला-बयड़ा; तामिल-अक्कम्; तेलगु-ताडि; अरबी -बीलज; फ़ारसी -बलील; अंग्रेजी-बेल्लिरिक मिरोबेलन ( Belliric Myrobalan) External Morphology: It is a large deciduous buttressed tree, 20-30 m height with thick brownish grey bark having shallow longitudinal fissures. Leaves Simple, alternate, long petioles, growled at the extremity of the branches., broadly elliptic, margins entire, main nerves 6-8 pairs, midrib prominent on both surfaces. Flowers-Pale greenish yellow with an Offensive odour, in axillary spikes, longer than petioles but shorter than leaves. Fruits-ovoid grey drupes, obscurely 5-angled arrow into a very short stalk. Habitat: Throughout India in deciduous forests upto a elevation of 900m. Major chemical constituents : Fruits: Fructose, galactose, glucose, mannitol, rhamnose, Beta sitosterol. Seeds : Edible oils. Seed coat: Gallic acid. Bark and heart wood: Chebulagic acid, ellagic acid. Rasapanchaka : Rasa : Kashaya. Guna: Laghu, Ruksha. Virya : Ushna. Vipaka : Madhura. Dosha Karma: Kapha Pitta Hara. Indications : Kasa, Aamavikara, Chakshu vikara, Kesha vikara. Part Used : Bark, Fruit. Doses : Churana 3-6gms. Aamika Prayoga: 1. Shivitra : Akshataila is applied externally. 2. Kashmiri : Bibhitaki beeja chorana is given with sura. 3.Kasa and Shwasa: bibhitaki churna with honey is given after meals. 4. Shotha : Chorana lepa is useful. Yoga : 1. Triphala choorana 2. Lavangadi vati 3. Bibhitaki Taila 4. Phalatrikadi kwatha 5. Talishaadi chorana