Swarasa kalpana- Herbal juice

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Swarasa kalpana is juicy extraction from the fresh herbs. This is the first one among the Panchvidha Kashaya Kalpana. Swarasa (extrated juice) is more potent than other four kashaya Kalpana.

Swarasa kalpana

Swarasa (juice) is mainly prepared from evergreen and fresh herbs. Those herbs which have high water content and most of its useful constituents are present in the water part are used.

Swarasa kalpana juicy extraction-fruit-vegetables-healthy-detox-raw-energy-lifestyle

Synonyms :

  • Rasa
  • Asira
  • Afshurda
  • Expressed juice

Definition :

“यन्त्र निष्पीडन द्रव्याद्रसः स्वरस उच्यते”। (च. सू. 4/7)

The substance when crushed with any device and the Rasa (juice) squeezed out of it is called Swarasa (expressed juice).

आहृतात्तत्क्षणाकृष्टाद् द्रव्यात्क्षुण्णात् समुद्धरेत् ।

वस्त्रनिष्पीडितो यःस रसः स्वरस उच्यते ।। (शा. स. म. ख. 1/2)

The herb recently unrooted➝ then crushed➝squeezed by putting in a cloth , the juice obtained is called swarasa.

अहतात्तत्क्षणाकृष्टाद् द्रव्यात्क्षुण्णात्समुद्भवेत् ।

वस्त्रनिष्पीडितो यश्च स्वरसो रस उच्यते ।। (भा. प्र. पू. ख. परि. 2/2)

The herb which is safe from insects, is unrooted recently & squeezed out from a cloth, then the juice obtained is Swarasa.

Mode of preparation

The Rasa (juice) of Mridu (soft) substances can be easily taken out by pressing with hands or squeezing in a cloth, whereas the juice of hard substances can be taken out with the help of any device (Juicer, grinder are easily available nowadays even in our kitchens).

The above said ways for Sawaras formation can be used only for fresh and recently unrooted herbs. In the absence of fresh herbs, following ways can be used to obtain juice :

If fresh herb cannot be obtained then Churna of dry herb can be used.

  • Dry herb in powder form (1 aadhak = 3.072 kg) + Water (equal amount) ➝ Keep in a earthen pot for 24 hours ➝ Next day Rub with hands and strain from a cloth and use it as a Sawarasa.
  • Powder of dry herb (4 pal = 192 gms) + (2×) Water ➝ keep overnight ➝ Rub and strain from cloth and use as a Sawarasa.

The above methods require 24 hours for Sawarasa formation but if no fresh herb is present and it’s not possible to wait for 24 hours then the following methods can be used :

  • The dry herb is coarsely powdered + 8× water ➝ boiled till ¼ reduced ➝ strain it with cloth and use this in absence of sawaras.

Putapakava Sawarasa :

There are some herbs from which it is difficult to obtain swarasa even on being fresh and recently unrooted. From herbs such as Nimba leaves, Vasa leaves, Bilwa leaves, Kutaja leaves etc. it is difficult to obtain swarasa, so for such herbs Aacharyas have described a procedure known as Putapaka Vidhi :

  • If the herb is fresh , then grinding it on the grinding stone to form a paste.
  • If the herb is dry then a fine powder is made and strained from cloth and a little water is mixed to form a paste.
  • Now, the paste formed from either of the above procedure is kept in between the leaves of Vata, Gambhari or Jambu etc. and tied with thread.
  • Then the dough of wheat flour is made to form a layer about 1 angula (about 3 cms) thick around it.
  • Now, about 2 angula (6 cms) thick layer of clay is made over it.
  • On drying, this is kept in the fire until its red hot.
  • Immediately, the ball is taken off from the fire and the clay and dough are removed.
  • The remaining inner hot paste is squeezed through a cloth.
  • This juice is obtained by heating on the Puta (fire) hence, called Putapaka Vidhi.

Quantity of Swarasa :

The expressed juice or swarasa of any herb is very Guru and Balwana,i.e., it has most of the constituents of that herb obtained in juice form, hence, it should be consumed in less amount.

Swarasa Matra = ½ Pal (24 gms)

Swarasa obtained from dry herbs and that formed with Putapaka Vidhi contains less constituents comparetively, so the amount of such swarasa is = 1 Pal (48 gms).

  • For Mridu virya (less potency) herbs = ½ pal (24 gms)
  • For Madhyam virya (medium potency) herbs = 1 karsha (12 gms)
  • For Tikshana virya (high potency) herbs = ½ karsha (6 gms)

Amount of Prakshepa dravya (condiments/ additives) in Swarasa :

As the juice of most of the herbs is not so good to taste, so in order to increase the taste some additives may be added to the juice to make it tasty as well increase its properties and effectivity.

  • The additives such as Honey, Sugar, Jaggery, Alkali, Cumin, Salt, Ghee, Oil, Churna etc. should be added in amount of = 1 kol (6 gms).
  • The amount of honey in swarasa made up from the Putapaka Vidhi = 1 karsha ( 12 gms).
  • According to Yadavji Trikamji, the amount of Lavana, kshara & Churna must be decided by keeping in mind the strength of disease (roga) and the diseased (rogi).

Uses of Swarasa :

  • Swarasa being guru & Balwana ( rich in the herbal constituents of the plant) is used for the disease and diseased with high strengths.
  • In order to build up the properties of any drug, the Churna of that herb is given bhavana with the swarasa of same herb.
  • The swarasa of some herbs is used as bhavana dravya, so as to get rid of doshas of other herb. For example, in Ashwakanchuki Rasa bhavana of bhringraja swarasa is given to get rid of toxicity of Jaipala.
  • For the purification and incineration of metals to make bhasma, the bhavana of herbal swarasa is given.
  • Swarasa is also used as anupana for many drugs.
  • The bhavana of Swarasa is given in nirindriya dravya to make them saindriya.
  • Swarasa of different herbs provide relief in different diseases.

Ginger juice (Aardraka swarasa)

Ginger juice + honey

It is useful in following :

  • Vrisangata vata
  • Swasa (respiratory problems)
  • Kasa (cough)
  • Aruchi (anorexia)
  • Pratishaya (running nose, cold)
  • Blood pressure.
  • Bad breathe.
  • Cure acne.
  • Promote Hair growth.

Tulsi Swarasa (Basil juice)

Juice of Basil leaves + Black pepper

  • It is very useful in Vishama jwara (irregular or intermittent fever).
  • Helps in digestion.
  • It is anti-inflammatory.
  • Good for skin.
  • Supports liver function and helps detoxifying the body.
  • Helps fight depression.
  • Soothes cough, cold, flu, running nose, sore throat and headache.

Kumari Swarasa (Aloe Vera Juice)

The leaves of Aloe Vera are peeled and the inner slimy part is collected in a vessel and strained through a cloth or sieve.

Its uses are as follows :

  • Agnimandya (low digestive power)
  • Udar roga (distention or enlargement of abdomen)
  • Gulma (abdominal tumor)
  • Pliha- yakrita vridhi (enlargement of spleen or liver)
  • Udarshoola (abdominal pain)
  • Vibandha (constipation)
  • Krimiroga (worms)
  • It is mixed with turmeric and applied externally on the small burns.
  • It is also used in formation of Ayurvedic shampoos, soaps, oils and gels.

Also Read All other type of Kashaya kalpana

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