

Botanical Name : Psoralea corylifolia.

Family: Fabaceae.

Classical Categorization:
Charaka Samhita : Not mentioned
Sushruta Samhita : Not mentioned
Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Haritakyadi varga.

Synonyms :
Latin -सोरेलिया कोरीलीफोलिया ( Psoralea corylifolia Linn.)
Sanskrit– ( वायु का शमन करने वाली ); आवाज, कृष्णफला ( काले फलों वाली ), पूति फली ( फल से दुर्गन्ध आने के कारण ); कुष्ठघ्नी ( कुष्ठ नाशक होने से ).
हिन्दी-बावची; बावची;
पंजाबी, मराठी, गुजराती-बावची;
English-सोरेलिया सीड ( Psoralea Seed )

External Morphology : 
It is an erect herbaceous annual 1-3 ft  height with grooved and gland-dotted stems and branches.
Leaves-simple, broadly elliptic, rounded and mucronate at the apex, clothed with white hairs on both surfaces, covered with numerous black dots.
Flowers blue in colour, 10-30 flowers in dense long pedunculated head.
Fruits-Pods, subglobose, slightly compressed closely pitted, black, beaked
without hairs.
Seeds-oblong, dark brown, flattened with agreeable aromatic odor and taste.


Acharya Sushruta mentioned 2 varieties of Bakuchi as Shveta and Krishana, Shveta is specially quoted as Medhaya Rasayana.

It grows throughout India.

Rasapanchaka :
Rasa : Katu, Tikta, Madhura.
Guna: Laghu, Ruksha.
Virya : Sheets.
Vipaka : Katu.
Dosha karma : Kapha vata shamaka.

Chemical composition – 
It contains a volatile oil 0.05%, a brownish constant Oil (10%) is found.  Additionally, a phenol called Bakuchiol, Psoralen, iso psoralen, Psorolidin, iso psoralidin and corylifolin are found.

Indications :
Vishatamabha, Rakta pitta, Kushtha, Premeha, Shavasa, Krimi, Jawara etc.

Part Used : Beeja.
Dozes: Chorana 1-3 gms.

Aamika Prayoga:
1. Sadyo Vrana : Bakuchi leaf paste is applied over cut wounds to check bleeding.
2. Badheerya: Bakuchi churna and Musali Chorana is given.
3. Shivitra : Bakuchi beej chorana (4 parts) and Haratala (1Part) are grinded with cows urine is given orally.
4. Kushtha : Tuvaraka, Bhallataka, Bakuchi, Chitrakala, Shilajatu, should be given as rasayana.


1. Bakuchi Rasayana
2. Somaragi Rasayana
3. Mahaneela Taila
4. Khadirarishta
5. Shivitrahana Vati
6. Avulguja aadi lepa
7. Bakuchi Taila

तैल इस मात्रा में लगाना चाहिए जिससे केवल शिविर में लाली आ जाय, फफोले न पड़ें। बाकुची के बीज गोमूत्र या अदरक के रस में एक सप्ताह तक रखने से शुद्ध हो जाते हैं।

अहित प्रमाण-
बीज चूर्ण के अति प्रयोग से कभी-कभी हल्लास, छर्दि,  अवसाद, शिरःशूल और विरेचन ये उपद्रव होते हैं ।


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