Botanical Name : Punica granatum.
Family: Punicaceae.
Classical Categorization :
- Charaka Samhita : हृद्य, छर्दि निग्रहण, श्रमहर महाकषाय
- Sushruta Samhita : परुषकादि गण
- Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : आम्रादि फलवर्ग
External morphology :
It is glabrous shrub or small tree with dark grey bark.
Branches sometimes spinescent.
Leaves-opposite or subopposite, oblong
obovate, narrowed to the short petiole. Flowers-Terminal or axillary, solitary, large showy, scarlet or orange red coloured .
Fruits – globose, crowned by somewhat tubular limb of the calyx, with a thick coriaceous reddish brown rind, pulp red and juicy sometimes white.
Varieties :
According to Dhanwantari nighantu Madhura and Amla 2 varieties .
According to Kaideva nighantu and
Bhavaprakasha nighantu 3 varities viz, Madhura, Amla, Swaduamk.
Cultivated throughout India, wild in the north west region. A native of Afghanistan, Balochistan and Iran.
Chemical composition :
Fruit peel-tannins, viz, punicalin, punicaligin ete. Seeds-estrone, punicic acid Stem-malvidin pentose glucosides, tannins ursolic acid etc.
Rasapanchaka :
मधुर जाति अम्ल जाति
Rasa Madhura Madhura, Amla
Guna Laghu, Snigdha Laghu
Virya Ushana Ushana
Vipaka Madhura Amla
Doshas Karma : Tridosha Hara.
Indications :
Trishana, Daha, Jwara, Arsha.
Part Used: Phala, Phala twaka, Mula twaka.
Doses: Chorana 3-6 gms,
Phala rasa-25-50 ml,
Twaka kwatha 50-100ml
Aamika Prayoga:
1.Arsha : Ghee prepared with dadima swarasa and yava kshara will check bleeding in arshas.
2. Puyameha : Fruit rind of dadima is made as infusion and administered with sugar orally.
3. Atisara : Kwatha of fruit rind is given as it is grahi.
4. Trishana: Dadima beeja, jeeraka, Nagakesara are mixed with madhu and given, especially in childs.
5. Krimi : Kwatha prepared with bark and is given in 10ml dose every half hourly 4 times empty stomach.
Yoga :
1. Dadimashtaka churna
2. Dadimadi ghrita
3. Shukramatrika vati
4. Dadimadya leha
5. Dadima chatusama