DHATAKI Botanical Name: Woodfordia fruticosa. Family: Lythraceae, Classical Categorization: Charaka Samhita : पुरीषसंग्रहणीय, मूत्रविरंंजनीय, संधानीय महाकषाय । Sushruta Samhita: प्रियंग्वादि, अम्बष्ठादि गण। Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : हरितक्यादि वर्ग। Synonyms : लैटिन-वुडफोर्डिया फ्रुटिकोजा (Woodfordia fruticosa Kurz.) संस्कृत-धातकी, धातुपुष्पी ( रक्तवर्ण पुष्पवाली ); वह्निज्वाला (पुष्प रक्तवर्ण आग की लपट के सदृश ); हिन्दी-धाय; पंजाबी-धावा; बांग्ला-धाई; मराठी-धालस; गुजराती-धावड़ी तामिल-धाथरी जर्गी; तेलगु-सिरिंजी; फ़ारसी-धावा; अंग्रेज़ी -फायर फ्लेम बुश (Fire fame bush ). External morphology : It is branched deciduous shrub, attaining a height of 3-7m with many long arching branches and reddish brown bark. Leaves simple opposite, entire, ovate-lanceohte, acute, subcoriaceous with black glandular dots on the upper surface. Flowers-numerous, brilliant red in dense, axillary paniculate cymose clusters. Fruits ellipsoid irregularly dehiscent capsules. Seeds-obovoid smooth, brown in colour. Habitat: Throughout India. Chemical composition: Flowers-hecogenin, inositol, kaempferol-3-glucoside, naringenin-7-glucoside, tannins (pyrogallol and hydrolysable types) woodferdins A,B,C, lawsone, betulin etc. Rasapanchaka : Rasa : Kashaya Guna: Laghu, ruksha Virya : Sheets Vipaka : Katu Dosha Karma : Kapha-pittahara Indications: Trishana, Atisara, Raktapitta. Part Used : Flower Doses : Churana 3-6 gms Aamika Prayoga: 1. Shweta pradara : Dhataki churana is used with madhu. 2.Pittaja abhishayanda : Swarasa of Dhataki and chandana are mixed with breast milk of lactating mother and applied as anjana. 3. Atisara : Dhataki pushpa churana is given with madhu. 4. Vrana: Kwatha of dhataki pushpa is used as Prakshalana. Yoga : 1. Brehat gangadhara churana 2. Dhatkyaadi churana 3. Pushyanug churna 4. Arvindasava