
BHARANGI Botanical Name: Clerodendrum serratum. Family: Verbenaceae. Classical Categorization: charaka Samhita: Purishasangrahaniya Mahakashaya. Sushruta Samhita: Pippalyaadi gana. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Haritakyadi varga. Synonyms : 1. Bhregubhava 2. Padma. 3. Brahmanayashatika. 4.Mangaravalli. 5. Kharashaka. 6. Hanjeeka. 7.Surupa. 8. Varshabarbaraka. 9. Bharamarapriya. 10. Bhringaraja. 11. Kharapushapa. 12. Kasahani. 13. Yashika. 14. Vatari. 15. Angaraparni. 16. Bhangura. लैटिन -क्लेरोडेंड्रम सिरेटम (Clerodendrum serratum (Linn.) संस्कृत -भार्ङ्गी ; ब्राह्मण यषिका ( पतले शाखारहित काण्ड से युक्त ); खतरनाक ( रूक्ष पत्रयुक्त ); पुदो ( कमलवत् पुष्प होने से ); हिन्दी -भारङ्गी, बभनौटी; बांग्ला -वामुनहाटी; मराठी, गुजराती -भारङ्गी; तामिल-अंगार वल्ली; तेलगु, कश्मीरी -गडबरंगी; मलयालम -कंकभरनी External Morphology: It is a slightly woody shrub, with bluntly quadrangular stems and branches. Leaves-usually 3 at a node, sometimes opposite, oblong or ellip[tic, coarsely and sharply serrate. Flowers-many, blue in colour, conspicuous, arranged in dichotomous cymes. Fruits lobed, purple drupe, somewhat succulent with one pyrene in each lobe. Habitat: Throughout India. Chemical composition: Hispidulin, 7-o-glucuronides, scutellarein, uncinatone, Pectolinarigenin, Saponins etc. Rasapanchaka : Rasa: Tikta, Katu. Guna : Laghu, Ruksha. Virya : Ushana. Vipaka : Katu. Dosha karma : Kapha Vata shamaka. Indications : Aamadosha, Swedavikara, Vrana, Rakta Dosha, Gulma, Kasa, Shvasa, Jwara, Pinasa, Shotha. Part Used : Moola. Doses: Choorana 3-6 gms. Aamika Prayoga : 1. Vankshana vata : Bharangi root is collected in pushava nakshatra and pounded with tushodaka and given orally. 2.Shvasa : Bharangi and shunthi should be given with hot water. 3. Gandamala : Application of bharangi and kanjika over gandamala. 4. Pratishaya : It should be given with vacha and shunthi. Yoga : 1.Bharangiguda. 2. Bharangyaadi wataha. 3. Kankasava. 4. Dhanwantar ghrita. 5.Mahavatagajankusha rasa.

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BIJAKA Botanical Name : Pterocarpus marsupium. Family: Leguminosae. Pterocarpus, means : Winged fruit. marsupium, means : It bears pouch in flowers. Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita : Udardaprashamana Mahakashaya Sushruta Samhita : Salsaraadi gana. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Vataadi varga. Synonyms : 1. Peetasara 2. Peetashaluka 3. Bandhukapushapa 4. Preeyaka 5. Sarjaka 6. Asana Latin-टेरोकार्पस मारसूपियम ( Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.); संस्कृत-बीजक, असन, पीतशाल हिन्दी-विजयसार, बीआ; बांग्ला-पीतशाल,पियासाल; मराठी-विवला; गुजराती-बीयो; तामिल-वेगइ; तेलगु-पेट्द्गि; मलयालम -वेंग; कन्नड़- बंगे; अंग्रेज़ी-इण्डियन काइनो ट्री ( Indian kino tree ) मालाबार काइनो (Malabar kino tree ) External Morphology: It is a large deciduous tree with stout, crooked stem bark, thick, yellowish grey. Leaves-15-23cm long leaflets 5-7 oblong, obtuse, under glabrous. Flowers - in short lateral and terminal pubescent paniculate racemes. Pods 2.5-5cm diameter. Seeds-small Habitat: It grows in south India. Major chemical constituents : Pterocarpus, marsupium, marsupio, carpusin, epicatechin, propterol, pterosupin, marsupinol, lupeol. Rasapanchaka : Rasa : Kashaya. Guna : Laghu, ruksha. Veerya : Sheeta. Vipaka : Katu. Indications : Kushtha, Visarpa, Shivitra, Premeha, Krimi. Part Used : Heart wood, kandasara. Doses : kwatha 50-100ml, churana 3-6gms, Niryasa 250-500mg Aamika Prayoga: 1. Rakta-pitta : Alkali of madhu and Asana is useful. 2. Shalipada : Paste of Heart wood of khadira, Asana Shala is useful with cows urine. 3. Sthoulya: Kwatha of heart wood of Asana should be taken in morning with honey. 4. Shotha: Lepa of Asana leaves externally is useful in shotha. Yoga: Beejakasararishta.

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BILWA Botanical Name : Aegle marmelos. Family: Rutaceae. Aegle, Means : Goat. Marmelos, means : Pear shaped fruit. Classical Categorization: Charaka Samhita-Shothahara, Arshohana, Asthapanopaga Mahakashaya Sushruta Samhita : Varunaadi gana, Ambashthaadi, Bhrutpanchamoola gana. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Guduchyadi varga. Synonyms : 1. Kantaaki 2. Gandhagarbha 3. Malura 4. Shalatu 5. Shandilya 6. Shailusha 7. Shriphala 8. Sadaphala 9. Putimaruta 10. Mahaphala 11. Vattasara 12. Gandhapatra 13. Tripatra 14. Shiveshta 15. Karkata 16. Grenthila 17. Mahakapitha 18. Shrigandhaphala 19. Goharitaki 20. Kuchama 21. Hridayagandha लैटिन-ईग्ल मार्मेलस ( Aegle marmelos Corr.); संस्कृत -बिल्व ( रोगान् विलति भिनत्ति-जो रोगों को नष्ट करे ); स्पीडिल्य ( पीड़ा को दूर करने वाला); शैलूष ( सुन्दर फल या पहाड़ों पर होने वाला ), श्रीफल ( सुन्दर फल ); मालूर ( शरीर की शोभा बढ़ाने वाला ); गन्धगर्भ (गंधयुक्त ); कण्टकी ( कंटकयुक्त ); सदाफल ( सदाफल लगे होने के कारण); महाकपित्थ ( बड़े कपित्थ के समान ); ग्रन्थिल ( शाखायें गांठ न होने से ); हिन्दी-बेल; मराठी-बेल; गुजराती-बीली; पंजाबी-बिल; बांग्ला-वेल; मलयालम- बिल्वम्; कन्नड़ -बेलपत्र; तेलगु-मोरेडुर; सिंधी-कठोरी; अरबी-सफरजले हिन्दी; फ़ारसी- बेह हिंदी फुल्ल; अंग्रेज़ी - Bael इसकी मज्जा को बिल्व पेशिका, बिल्व कटी कहते हैं । सूखे हुये गुदे को. बेलसोंठ या 'बेलगिरी' कहते हैं। External Morphology: It is a medium sized armed deciduous tree upto 8m height with straight, sharp, axillary thorns and yellowish brown furrowed corky bark. Habitat: All over India. Major chemical constituents: Roots : Xanthotoxin, Umbelliferone,  marmesin, marmin, skimming etc. Heart wood: Fluoroquinolone, marmesin, Beta-sitosterol. Leaves: Essential oil containing Alpha and Beta phellandrene, rutin, marmesin in, aegle, aegelenine etc. Ripe fruits : Xanthotoxin, marmesin, Skimmin etc. Unripe fruits : Marmeline, aegeline, imperatorin, alloimperatorin and Xanthotoxol etc. Rasapanchaka :                            Phala                  Moola Rasa    :     Kashaya, Tikta       Madhura Guna   :     Laghu, Ruksha      Laghu Veerya:     Ushana                    Ushana Vipaka:     Katu                         Madhura Dosha karma : Vattakaphahara. Indications :  Aruchi, Ajeerana, Aamavikara. Part Used : Fruit, Leaves, Roots. Doses:…

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BRUHATI Botanical Name : Solanum indicum. Family: Solanaceae. Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita : Kanthaya Mahakashaya, Hikka nigrahana Mahakashaya, Shothahara Mahakashaya, Angamarda prashmana Mahakashaya. Sushruta Samhita: Brahatyaadi gana, Laghu panchamula gana Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Guduchyadi varga. Synonyms : 1. Vaatarki 2. Kshudrabhantanki 3. Bhantakini 4. Mahti 5. Kuli 6. Raashtreeka 7. Sinhi 8. Mahoshtri 9. Dushapraharshini 10. Peetatandula 11. Kantalu 12. Kaantaaki 13. Vanavraatanki 14. Bahupatrika 15. Sthula kantaki Latin-सोलेनम इण्डिकम (Solanum indicum Linn.), संस्कृत-बृहत ( बड़ी ); क्षुद्र भण्टाकी ( बैंगन के सदृश किन्तु छोटा क्षुप); सिंही ( सिंह के सनत उच्च स्वर बनाने वाली ); हिन्दी-बड़ी कटेरी, बनभंटा; बांग्ला-व्याकुळ, मराठी-डारलः गुजराती-उभी रिंगणी; तामिल-पाप्पारामल्ली, तेलगु- तेल्लामूलक; फ़ारसी-कटाई कलाँ । External Morphology: It is an erect, very prickly much branched under shrub. Pricks large compressed at the base, usually somewhat curved. The branches minutely stellate lobed, cuneate or truncate at the base and often unequal sided. Leaves-simple, large, ovate, subentire sinuate or lobed, sparsely prickly on both sides, base cordate, often unequal . Flowers- blue in colour in extra axillary cymes. Fruit- globose berries, reddish or dark yellow. Seeds-smooth or minutely pitted. Chemical constituents : Solanin, carotene, corpesterol, solano capone, diosgenin, B-sitosterol, lanosterol, solasonine, solamargine, solasodine, Vit C. Rasa panchaka : Rasa : Katu, Tikta Guna : Laghu, Ruksha Veerya : Ushna Vipaka : Katu Dosha karma : Kapha vata hara Indications : Sangrahani, Jawara, Shvasa, Kasa, Agnimandya. Part Used: Moola, Phala, Patra. Matra : Choorana 3-5 gms, Kwatha 50-100ml Aamayika Prayoga: 1. Grahani : Brahati is taken with butter milk. 2. Khalitya : fresh juice of Brahati fruit is mixed with honey and used for local application. 3. Prajasthapana : Shveta brahati root juice is given a nasya. 4. To stop Vamana , its patra swarasa is given with Adraka . Yoga : 1. Brihatyadi kwatha 2. Dashmoolarishta 3. Laghupancha moola 4. Dashmoola ghrita

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BRAHMI Botanical Name : Bacopa monnieri. Family: Scrophulariaceae. Botanical Synonym: Herpestis moniera. Horpesties, means: Creaping. moniera, means: Necklace. Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita : Balya, prajasthapana, Sanjnasthapana Mahakashaya. Sushruta Samhita : Not mentioned. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Guduchyadi varga. Synonyms : 1. Somavalli 2. Saraswati 3. Somya 4. Divyateja 5. Mhoshadhi 6. Surya Shrestha 7. Vaidhatri 8. Swayambhuvi 9. Brahmani 10. Surajya 11. Suresa 12. Bharati 13. Medhaya 14. Vara 15. Lavanya 16. Divya 17. Smaarani 18. Sunama 19. Munika 20. Vayastha External Morphology: It is a prostrate or creeping, juicy, succulent, glabrous annual herb rooting at the nodes with numerous ascending branches. Leaves-simple, opposite, decussate, sessile, ovate, oblong, spatulate, entire, fleshy, obscurely veined, punctuate. Flowers-Pale blue or whitish, Axillary, solitary long slender pieces. Fruit-ovoid, acute, 2-celled, 2-valved capsule, tipped with style base. Seeds-minute, numerous. Habitat: Found throughout India in wet and damp places. Major chemical constituents : Ascorbic acid, Nicotinic acid, Brahmine, Herpestine, alanine, octacosane, monnierin, hersaponin, Beta-sitosterol, bacoside A and B, bacogeninsA1 and A4. Rasapanchaka : Rasa : Tikta, Kashaya, Madhura. Guna: Laghu. Virya : Sheeta. Vipaka : Madhura. Doshakarma : Vattapitta shamaka. Indications : Medha vikara, Swara vikara, Kushtha, Pandu, Premeha, Kasa, Visha, Jawara, Rakta vikara. Part Used : Panchanga. Doses: Swarasa 10-20ml, Chorana 500mg-1 gm. Aamika Prayoga: 1. Masurika : Brahami swaras is given with madhu. 2. Unmada : Brahmi swarasa is given with kushtha and Honey. 3. Apasmara : Rasona, Shatavari, juice of brahmi, kushtha, vacha are taken with honey. 4. Aamavatta : Brahmi swarasa is used externally. Yoga: 1. Brahmi ghrita 2. Dashmoola ghrita 3. Dashmoolarishta 4. Brahmi vati 5. Saraswatarishta 6.Saraswataghrita

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BIBHITAKI Botanical Name: Terminalia bellirica. Family: Combretaceae. Terminalia, means: Group of leaves are terminal in position. Belerica, it is an Arabic word means bely. Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita:Verechanopaga, Jawarahara Mahakashaya. Sushruta Samhita : Mustaadi, Triphala gana. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Haritakyaadi varga. Synonyms : 1. Aksha 2. Karshaphala 3. Kalidruma 4. Bhootwala 5. Kaliyugaya 6. Tusha 7. Kasahana 8. Tailaphala 9. Vaasanta 10. Samvartaka 11. Vindhyajata 12. Vibhedaka 13. Bahuveerya 14. Behedaka Latin-टर्मिनेलिया बेलरिका ( Terminalia bellirica Roxb. ); संस्कृत-बिभीतक (विगतं रोगभयमस्मात्-बिभ्यति रोगा अस्मात् इति वा-जिसके सेवन से रोगों का भय जाता है); कर्षफल ( इसका फल १ कर्ष = २० ग्रा० वजन का होता है ); अक्ष ( इसके वीज जुआ खेलने में प्रयुक्त होते थे ); कलिद्रुम ( जुआ में प्रयुक्त होने के कारण ही इसे कलह का वृक्ष कहते हैं), हिन्दी-मराठी-गुजराती-बहेड़ा बांग्ला-बयड़ा; तामिल-अक्कम्; तेलगु-ताडि; अरबी -बीलज; फ़ारसी -बलील; अंग्रेजी-बेल्लिरिक मिरोबेलन ( Belliric Myrobalan) External Morphology: It is a large deciduous buttressed tree, 20-30 m height with thick brownish grey bark having shallow longitudinal fissures. Leaves Simple, alternate, long petioles, growled at the extremity of the branches., broadly elliptic, margins entire, main nerves 6-8 pairs, midrib prominent on both surfaces. Flowers-Pale greenish yellow with an Offensive odour, in axillary spikes, longer than petioles but shorter than leaves. Fruits-ovoid grey drupes, obscurely 5-angled arrow into a very short stalk. Habitat: Throughout India in deciduous forests upto a elevation of 900m. Major chemical constituents : Fruits: Fructose, galactose, glucose, mannitol, rhamnose, Beta sitosterol. Seeds : Edible oils. Seed coat: Gallic acid. Bark and heart wood: Chebulagic acid, ellagic acid. Rasapanchaka : Rasa : Kashaya. Guna: Laghu, Ruksha. Virya : Ushna. Vipaka : Madhura. Dosha Karma: Kapha Pitta Hara. Indications : Kasa, Aamavikara, Chakshu vikara, Kesha vikara. Part Used : Bark, Fruit. Doses : Churana 3-6gms. Aamika Prayoga: 1. Shivitra : Akshataila is applied externally. 2. Kashmiri : Bibhitaki beeja chorana is given with sura. 3.Kasa and Shwasa: bibhitaki churna with honey is given after meals. 4. Shotha : Chorana lepa is useful. Yoga : 1. Triphala choorana 2. Lavangadi vati 3. Bibhitaki Taila 4. Phalatrikadi kwatha 5. Talishaadi chorana

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BALA Botanical Name : Sida cordifolia. Family: Malvaceae. Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita : Balya, Brahmaniya, Mahakashaya. Sushruta Samhita : Not mentioned Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Guduchyadi varga. Synonyms : 1. Vatya 2. Vatyalika 3.Odanahavya 4. Kharayashtika 3. Odanahavya 6. Bhedrodini 5. Peetapushpi 8. Sheetapaki 7. Vinaya लैटिन -सिडा कॉडिफोलिया ( Sida cordifolia Linn.); संस्कृत-बला, वाट्यालिका, खरयष्टिका; हिन्दी -वरिया, खिरेंटी, पंजाब -खरयटी; बांग्ला -बेङेला; मराठी -चिकणा; गुजराती -बल, बला, खरेटी; तामिल- पनियार तुष्टि; तेलगु -तेलाआन्टिस; कन्नड़ -हेट्टुति; मलयालम -वेल्लुरुम; अंग्रेज़ी -कण्ट्री मैलो ( Country mallow) External Morphology: It is a perennial trailing herb growing upto 4 feets in heighr, clothed with scattered radiating hairs. Leaves:1 to 2 inches long, cordate, acute, or shortly acuminate, very downy on both surfaces, petioles as long as blade or some shorter than the blade. Flowers-Yellow, small, axillary, solitary. Seeds- solitary, pendular. Varieties : Bhavna Mishra mentioned 4 varieties, viz Bala, Atibala, Mahabala,Nagabala. Habitat: In Hotter parts of India. Chemical Composition : Ephedrine, hypephorine, vasicinone, vascicine, vasicinol, Choline, betaine, phytosterol, Phytosterol, potassium nitrate etc. Rasapanchaka : Rasa : Madhura. Guna : Snigdha, Pichila. Virya : Sheeta. Vipaka : Madhura. Dosha karma : Vatpitta shamaka. Indications : Jawara, Raktapitta, Mutra vikara, Shukra vikara etc. Part Used: Moola, Beeja, Patra. Dozes: Chorana 3-6 gms, Kwatha 50-100ml Aamika Prayoga: 1. Antra Vriddhi: Bala ksheera is added to Eranda Taila administered orally. 2. Gala Ganda : Bala, Atibala, devadaru chorana given orally. 3.Vata Vyadhi : Bala yusha is given. 4. Ulcers of Upadamsha and Phiranga: A paste prepared with Bala moola is applied. Yoga : 1. Bala Taila. 2. Balaadya ghrita. 3. Chandanabalalakshaadi Taila. 4. Mahanarayana Taila. 5. Balarishta. 6. Ksheerabala Taila. 7. Balaguluchyadi Taila. अतिबला गण-बल्य, बृंहणीय, मधुर स्कन्ध ( च० ), वात संशमन, मधुर ( सु०)। Botanical name - Abutilon indicum  Family-Malvaceae लैटिन -एब्युटिलन इण्डिकम ( Abutilon indicum  Linn. ) संस्कृत -अतिबला, कंकतिका, हिन्दी -कंघी, ककही; संस्कृत- पेटारी, शाँपी; मराठी -मुद्रा; गुजराती -खपाट, काबली, कांसकी, तामिल-पनियारा हुट्टी ; तेलगु-तुत्तरावेदा; मलयालम - वेल्लुल; कन्नड़-तुट्टि; अरबी - मश्तुल गोला; फ़ारसी - दरख्तशान स्वरूप- इसका मखमली गुल्मक होता है। पत्र-दन्तुर और मृदुरोमश होते हैं। पुष्प-पीतवर्ण, लगभग १ इंच व्यास के होते हैं जिसमें पुष्पदण्ड पत्रवृन्त से दूना या तिगुना…

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BAKUCHI Botanical Name : Psoralea corylifolia. Family: Fabaceae. Classical Categorization: Charaka Samhita : Not mentioned Sushruta Samhita : Not mentioned Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Haritakyadi varga. Synonyms : Latin -सोरेलिया कोरीलीफोलिया ( Psoralea corylifolia Linn.) Sanskrit- ( वायु का शमन करने वाली ); आवाज, कृष्णफला ( काले फलों वाली ), पूति फली ( फल से दुर्गन्ध आने के कारण ); कुष्ठघ्नी ( कुष्ठ नाशक होने से ). हिन्दी-बावची; बावची; बांग्ला-हाबुच; पंजाबी, मराठी, गुजराती-बावची; तमिल-कर्पोकरिशी; तेलगु-भावाची; English-सोरेलिया सीड ( Psoralea Seed ) External Morphology :  It is an erect herbaceous annual 1-3 ft  height with grooved and gland-dotted stems and branches. Leaves-simple, broadly elliptic, rounded and mucronate at the apex, clothed with white hairs on both surfaces, covered with numerous black dots. Flowers blue in colour, 10-30 flowers in dense long pedunculated head. Fruits-Pods, subglobose, slightly compressed closely pitted, black, beaked without hairs. Seeds-oblong, dark brown, flattened with agreeable aromatic odor and taste. Varieties: Acharya Sushruta mentioned 2 varieties of Bakuchi as Shveta and Krishana, Shveta is specially quoted as Medhaya Rasayana. Habitat: It grows throughout India. Rasapanchaka : Rasa : Katu, Tikta, Madhura. Guna: Laghu, Ruksha. Virya : Sheets. Vipaka : Katu. Dosha karma : Kapha vata shamaka. Chemical composition -  It contains a volatile oil 0.05%, a brownish constant Oil (10%) is found.  Additionally, a phenol called Bakuchiol, Psoralen, iso psoralen, Psorolidin, iso psoralidin and corylifolin are found. Indications : Vishatamabha, Rakta pitta, Kushtha, Premeha, Shavasa, Krimi, Jawara etc. Part Used : Beeja. Dozes: Chorana 1-3 gms. Aamika Prayoga: 1. Sadyo Vrana : Bakuchi leaf paste is applied over cut wounds to check bleeding. 2. Badheerya: Bakuchi churna and Musali Chorana is given. 3. Shivitra : Bakuchi beej chorana (4 parts) and Haratala (1Part) are grinded with cows urine is given orally. 4. Kushtha : Tuvaraka, Bhallataka, Bakuchi, Chitrakala, Shilajatu, should be given as rasayana. Yoga: 1. Bakuchi Rasayana 2. Somaragi Rasayana 3. Mahaneela Taila 4. Khadirarishta 5. Shivitrahana Vati 6. Avulguja aadi lepa 7. Bakuchi Taila शोधन- तैल इस मात्रा में लगाना चाहिए जिससे केवल शिविर में लाली आ जाय, फफोले न पड़ें। बाकुची के बीज गोमूत्र या अदरक के रस में एक सप्ताह तक रखने से…

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ARDRAKA Botanical Name: Zingiber officinale. Family: Zingiberaceae. Classical Categorization : Charaka Samhita : Triptighana, Arshoghana, Deepaniya , Shoolaprashamana, Trishana nigrahana Mahakashaya Sushruta Samhita : Pippalyaadi gana Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Haritakyadi varga Synonyms : 1.Aadrika 2. Katubhedram 3. Vishv 4. Vishvabheshajam 5. Mahoshadhama 6. Shringavera 7. Vishva 8. Nagram 9. Ushanam 10. Katugranthi 11. Kafaari 12. Soparnam 13. Katu 14. Shoshanam 15. Utkattam 16. Avakachatram 17. Ahichatrakam संस्कृत- आर्द्रक हिन्दी-अदरक, बंगाली-आदा; मराठी-आल; गुजराती- आदुः तमिल - इंजि; तेलगु-अल्लमुः; अंग्रेज़ी -Fresh ginger . External Morphology: It is an erect perennial herb with aromatic rhizome. Stem - erect and leafy, leaves -subsessile / sessile, linear or lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous. Flowers-Yellowish green in oblong, cylindrical spikes. Fruit-Oblong capsule. Rhizome-white to yellowish brown, irregularly branched, smooth annulated and laterally flattened, growing tips are covered over by a few scales, surface of rhizome is smooth and if broken, a few fibrous elements of the vascular bundles project out from the cut ends. Habitat : Cultivated throughout India, run wild in some places in the western ghats. Chemical Composition : Alpha-curcumene, Beta and Dextro curcumene, citral, citronellol, geraniol, gingerol, Alpha, Beta zingiborenes, Zingiberol , gingeo glycolipids A,B and C, gingerone B and C etc. Rasapanchaka : Rasa : Katu. Guna: Guru, Ruksha, Tikshana. Virya : Ushna. Vipaka : Madhura. Dosha Karma : Kapha vata shamaka. Indications : Mutra vikaar, Aaamadosha, Kushtha, Jwara, Shotha, Shwasa, Kasa, Vedana, Vata vikara, etc. Part used : Rhizome. Doses : Choorana 1-2 gms, Swarasa 3-10 ml Aamyika Prayoga: 1. Pratishaya : Aadraka and milk is given. 2. Kaphaja Arsha : Aadraka and Kulatha is given. 3. Murcha : Ardraka swarasa is used as Nasya. 4. Agnimandya : Before food it is given with lavan 5. Kasa, Shvasa, Peenasa, Jwara : Aadraka swaras is given with honey. Yoga : 1. Nagaradi Kashayam. 2. Aadraka Rasayana 3. Aadraka ghrita. 4. Ardraka Khanda. 5. Soubhagya Shunthi.

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ATIVISHA Botanical Name: Aconitum heterophyllum. Family: Ranunculaceae Classical Categorization: Charaka Samhita : Arshohana, Lekhaniya, Shiroverechana Mahakashaya. Sushruta Samhita: Pippalyadi, Vachadi, Mustaadi. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Haritakyadi varga. Synonyms : 1. Shukla kanda 2. Bhangura 3.Ghunavalaabha 4.Kashmira 5. Sishubhaishagya 6. Atisarahani 7.Vishava 8. Visha 9. Shringi 10. Aruna 11. Pitavallabha 12. Madri 13. Shophapaha Latin-एकोनाइटम हेटरोफाइलम् ( Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. ); संस्कृत-अतिविषा ( अतिक्रान्ता विषम्-विषं वर्ष की होने पर भी निविष ); शुक्लकन्दा ( श्वेत कन्द वाली); भंगुरा ( शीघ्र आसानी से टूट जाने वाली); घुणवल्लभा ( इसमें घुन बहुत जल्दी लगता है ); काश्मीरा (ऊंचे पर्वतीय प्रदेश विशेषतः कश्मीर में होने वाली), शिशुभैषज्या (बाल रोगों में विशेष प्रशस्त ) हिन्दी -अतीस; मराठी -गुजराती -अतिविष; बांग्ला -आतईच; पंजाबी -बतीस; तामिल-अतिबिद्यम तेलुगु -अतिबासा; फ़ारसी -बज्जी तुरकी। External Morphology: It is a herb with erect stem, sometimes branched, upto 60 cms height. Leaves-ovate, cordate, lower leaves are broader in size, than the upper ones and palmate, Upper leaves are smaller in size and are serrated, Sparingly pubescent on the lower surface. Flowers in leafy panicles, blue or violet in colour, one of the inner whorl petals is some what bigger than other petals. Fruits-follicles, 16-18 cm long, having locules. Seeds-blackish in colour. Roots-tuberous, whitish or grey, smooth. Varieties : Vagbhata mentions 2 varieties, viz Visha and Ativisha. Sodhala nighantu mentions 3 varieties viz, Shukla, Krishana, Aruna. Madanapala nighantu mentions 4 varities viz, Shveta, Peeeta, Rakta, Krishan. Raja nighantu mentions 3 varities viz, Shveta, Peeta, Rakta. Habitat: Sub-Alpine and Alpine zones of the Himalayas. Chemical Composition : Atisine, Aconitic acid, Tannic acid, Pectin, Starch, Oleic acid, Palmitic acid Stearic glycosides. Rasapanchaka : Rasa : Katu, Tikta. Guna : Laghu, Ruksha. Virya : Ushana. Vipaka : Katu. Part Used: Roots. Dose: Chorana 0.6-2 gms. Aamika Prayoga: 1. Bala jwara and Kasa : Ativisha and Karkatashringi and Pippali should be given. 2. Atisara : Ativisha and Bhanga and vacha chorana should be given. 3. Mutrakrucha : Peya made up of Ativisha, Amla dravya, shunthi, Gokshura, Kantakari should be given. 4. Javaratisara : Ativisha, Shunthi, Kutaja, Guduchi, Musta kwatha can be given. Yoga : 1. Ativishavleha 2. Chaturbhedravleha 3. Dashanga agada 4.Maha Sudarshana chora 5. Amritarishta…

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