Botanical Name: Curcuma longa.
Family: Zingiberaceae.
Curcuma is Arabic name : Kurkum.
longa, means long
Classical Categorization :
- Charaka Samhita : कुष्ठघ्न, विषघ्न, लेखनीय महाकषाय।
- Sushruta Samhita : हरिद्रादि गण।
- Bhavaprakasha nighantu : हरितक्यादि वर्ग।
Synonyms :
1. Kanchani
2. Peeta
3. Gauri
4. Nishakhaya
5. Varavarnini
6. Krimihani
7. Yoshitapriya
8. Varna Vilasini
9. Hathavilasini
10. Mehahani
11. Mangalya
12. Ranjani
13. Vishahani
लैटिन–Curcuma longa Linn.
संस्कृत- हरिद्रा (हरि वर्ण द्राति संशोधयति-जो शरीर के वर्ण को ठीक करे ), काञ्चनी ( सुवर्ण के समान पीतवर्ण होने के कारण ), निशा (चाँदनी रात की तरह सुन्दर ), वरवर्णिनी ( सुन्दर वर्णवाली), गौरी ( पीतवर्ण होने से ), कृमिघ्ना ( कृमिनाशक होने के कारण ), योषित् प्रिया (उबटन इत्यादि तथा स्त्री रोगों में उपयोगी होने के कारण) हट्टविलासिनी ( बाजारों की शोभा बढ़ाने वाली);
हिन्दी-हल्दी, हरदी;
पंजाबी- हरदल;
तामिल- मञ्जल;
मलयालम –हलद,
अंग्रेज़ी-टर्मेरिक ( Turmeric ) ।
External morphology:
It is a perennial herb, with a short stem and tufts of erect leaves.
Rhizome-cylindrical, ovoid, orange coloured and branched.
Leaves-simple , very large, petiole as long as the blade. Oblong, lanceolate, tappering to the base upto 45 cm long.
Flowers– pale yellow in spikes Concealed by the sheathing petioles, flowering bracts pale green.
Cultivated throughout India.
Varieties :
Bhavaprakasha nighantu described Haridra:-
- Amragandhi haridra
- Vana haridra,
- Daru haridra.
Rasapanchaka :
Rasa : Katu, Tikta
Guna : Laghu, Ruksha
Virya : Ushna
Vipaka : Katu
Indications :
Premeha, Kushtha, Krimi, Kandu, Vrana, Pandu.
Part Used : Kanda (Rhizome)
Swarasa 10-20ml
Churana 2-4 gms
Yoga :
1. Haridra Khanda
2. Vranashothana Taila
3. Nishamlaki Churna
4. Haridraadi dhuma varti
5. Sindooraadi lepa
6. Chandraprabha vati
7. Dashmoolarishta
8. Ashwagandharishta
9. Kumaryasava
Aamika Prayoga:
1. Vyanga: Haridra and rakta chandana are made into paste with buffalos milk and applied externally.
2. Dadru Kushtha : Haridra churna is taken with jaggery and cows urine.
3. Premeha : Given with amalaki rasa.
4. Pradara : Given with amalaki rasa and guggul.
5. Netra abhishayanda : One part of Haridra is boiled in 20 parts of water, filtered and used as eye drops.
6. Arsha : Haridra is ground with ghrita kumari paste is applied.