

Botanical Name : Solanum indicum.

Family: Solanaceae.

Classical Categorization :

  • Charaka Samhita : Kanthaya Mahakashaya, Hikka nigrahana Mahakashaya, Shothahara Mahakashaya, Angamarda prashmana Mahakashaya.
  • Sushruta Samhita: Brahatyaadi gana, Laghu panchamula gana
  • Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : Guduchyadi varga.

Synonyms :
1. Vaatarki
2. Kshudrabhantanki
3. Bhantakini
4. Mahti
5. Kuli
6. Raashtreeka
7. Sinhi
8. Mahoshtri
9. Dushapraharshini
10. Peetatandula
11. Kantalu
12. Kaantaaki
13. Vanavraatanki
14. Bahupatrika
15. Sthula kantaki

Latin-सोलेनम इण्डिकम (Solanum indicum Linn.),
संस्कृत-बृहत ( बड़ी ); क्षुद्र भण्टाकी ( बैंगन के सदृश किन्तु छोटा क्षुप); सिंही ( सिंह के सनत उच्च स्वर बनाने वाली );
हिन्दी-बड़ी कटेरी, बनभंटा;
गुजराती-उभी रिंगणी;
तेलगु- तेल्लामूलक;
फ़ारसी-कटाई कलाँ ।

External Morphology:
It is an erect, very prickly much branched under shrub.
Pricks large compressed at the base, usually somewhat curved.
The branches minutely stellate lobed, cuneate or truncate at the base and often unequal sided.
Leaves-simple, large, ovate, subentire
sinuate or lobed, sparsely prickly on both sides, base cordate, often unequal .
Flowers– blue in colour in extra axillary cymes.
Fruit- globose berries, reddish or dark yellow.
Seeds-smooth or minutely pitted.

Chemical constituents :
Solanin, carotene, corpesterol, solano capone, diosgenin, B-sitosterol, lanosterol, solasonine, solamargine, solasodine, Vit C.

Rasa panchaka :
Rasa : Katu, Tikta
Guna : Laghu, Ruksha
Veerya : Ushna
Vipaka : Katu
Dosha karma : Kapha vata hara

Indications :
Sangrahani, Jawara, Shvasa, Kasa, Agnimandya.

Part Used: Moola, Phala, Patra.

Matra : Choorana 3-5 gms, Kwatha 50-100ml

Aamayika Prayoga:
1. Grahani : Brahati is taken with butter milk.
2. Khalitya : fresh juice of Brahati fruit is mixed with honey and used for local application.
3. Prajasthapana : Shveta brahati root juice is given a nasya.
4. To stop Vamana , its patra swarasa is given with Adraka .

Yoga :
1. Brihatyadi kwatha
2. Dashmoolarishta
3. Laghupancha moola
4. Dashmoola ghrita

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