

Botanical Name: Cedrus deodara.

Family: Coniferae.

Cedrus, means wood having aromalike cedar.

Classical Categorization :
Charaka Samhita : स्तन्यशोधन महाकषाय, अनुवासनोपग महाकषाय , कटुकस्कन्ध।
Sushruta Samhita : वातसंशमन।
Bhavaprakasha Nighantu : कर्पूरादि गण।

Synonyms :
1. Peetadaru
2. Peetadru
3. Bhedradaru
4. Drukilim
5. Putikashtha
6. Daru
7. Suradaru
8. Shakrapadapa

Latin-सेड्रस देवदारु ( Cedrus deodara (Roxb.)
संस्कृत-देवदारु ( देवताओं के प्रदेश-हिमाचल-में होने वाली लकड़ी), भद्रदारु ( श्रेष्ठ वृक्ष ), सुरभूरुह ( देवभूमि में होने वाला वृक्ष ),
हिन्दी -देवदार,
मराठी, गुजराती -देवदार
पंजाबी –दियार;
कश्मीर- दीवदार;
बांग्ला -देवदारु;
अंग्रेज़ी –देवदार (Deodar )

External morphology :
It is a large evergreen tree, Not whorled, tips of the branches usually drooping.
Bark-dark, rough on old stems, sometimes
furrowed Shoots dimorphic,
Leaves 2.5-4 cm long needle like, sharp
Flowers-usually monoecious, Male catkins are solitary at the end of branchlets.
Fruit-cone like, erect 10-12.5 cm long, 7.5-10
cm wide.
Seeds-7.5-15mm long, pale brown, wing longer than seeds.

Grows in Himalayan region.

Chemical composition :
Heart wood contains essential oils like P-methyl acetophenone, atlantone, two new sesquiterpenes designated as Alpha and Beta himachalene, himachal, cedrinoside, taxifolin and cedrus in plant contain allohimachalol, deodarone, Alpha cedrol, Alpha humulene.

Rasapanchaka :
Rasa : Tikta, Katu, Kashaya.
Guna: Snigdha, Laghu.
Virya : Ushna.
Vipaka : Katu.
Dosha Karma : Vata Kaphahara.

Vibandha, Adhamana, Shotha, Premeha, Jawara, Kasa, Kandu, Shwasa.

Part Used : Heart wood.

Doses : Churana 1-3 gms.
Taila 20-40 drops.

Aamika Prayoga:
1. Vata vikara : Kalka of Devadaru and shunthi is useful.
2. Slipada : External application of Bhadradaru and chitraka is useful.

Yoga :
1. Devadarurishta
2. Devadaruvyadi chura
3. Devadaruvyadi kalka
4. Devadaruvyadi kashaya
5. Devdarubaladi churana
6. Devdarubaladi Taila

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