

Botanical Name : Cassia fistula.

Family: Fabaceae.

Classical Categorization :
Charaka Samhita : Kushthahana Mahakashaya, Kanduhana Mahakashaya.
Sushruta Samhita : Aragwadhadi gana, Shyamaadi gana.

Synonyms :
1. Rajavriksha
2. Shampaka
3. Chaturangula
4. Deerghaphala
5. Aarevata
6. Vyaadhighaat
7. Kreetamala
8. Suvarnaka
9. Karnikara
10. Karnabharana
11. Kushthasudana
12. Aarogyashimbi
13. Pragraha
14. Amaha
15. Javarantaka
16. Drumotapala
17. Parivyaadha

लैटिन –कैसिया फिस्टुला (Cassia fistula Linn. )
संस्कृत –आरम्भ (रोगों को नष्ट करने वाला ); राजवृक्ष ( सुन्दर वृक्ष ), शम्पाक ( कल्याणकारी फल देने वाला ); तिरंगा ( पर्वों का प्रमाण चार अंगुल होने से ), आरेवत (बालों को निकालने वाला ); व्याधि घात ( रोगों को दूर करने वाला ); कृतमाल (पुष्पों की माला धारण करने वाला); वर्णक ( सुन्दर वर्ण वाला ) ; दीर्घंफल ( लम्बे फल वाला ); स्वर्णभूषण ( पीतवर्ण के सुवर्णसदृशो पुष्पों से युक्त ) ।
हिन्दी – अनलतास, सियरलाठी;
मराठी –बाहवा;
पंजाबी – गिर्दनली; -गिरमालो किरमाल
सिंधी –छिमकणी;
बंगाली –सोंदाल;
तामिल-कोंड, इराधविरुट्टम्,
तेलगु- आरग्वधमु रेल;
मलयालम –कनिकोन्ना;
कश्मीरी –फलूस,
अरबी –खियार शंबर,
फ़ारसी –खियार चंवर;
अंग्रेजी –पजिङ्ग कालिया ( purging cassia )।

It grows throughout India in deciduous forests.

External Morphology: 
It is a moderate sized deciduous tree, having greenish grey smooth bark when young and rough when old, exfoliating in hard scales.
Leaves pinnately compound, leaflets 4-8 paired, ovate acute, bright green, glabrous above.
Flowers-Bright yellow in pendulous racemes.
Fruits-pods, nearly straight smooth, shiny, brownish black.
Seeds– broadly ovate.

Varieties :
Dhanwantri Nighantu mentioned 2 varities named Aragwadha and Karnikara.

Chemical Composition:
Seeds: Sugars, galactomanan.
Flowers: Fistulin, leucopelargonidin, tetramerkaempferol
Pods: Fistulic acid
Bark and Heart wood : Barbaloin, fistucacidin, rhein.
Leaves: Rhein, sennosides A and B.

Rasapanchaka :
Rasa : Madhura.
Guna: Mridu, Guru, Snigdha.
Virya : Sheeta
Vipaka : Madhura
Dosha karma : kapha- pittahara

Javara, Raktapitta, Ajeerana, Kaphavikaar, Kushtha, Shotha, etc.

Part Used: Whole Plant (Root bark, leaves, flowers, fruit pulp).

Matra : Moolatwaka kwatha 50-100ml
Flower paste 5-10 gms.
Fruit pulp 5-10gms.

Yoga :
1. Aragwadhaadi kwatha choorana.
2. Aragwadhadi ehya.
3. Aaragwadhaadi Taila.
4. Aaragwadharishta.

Aamayika prayoga:
1. In Aamavatta, Vatarakta, Vranashotha : Phala majia is applied externally.
2. In Ardita : Patra swarasa is given internally
3. In Haridrameha : Decoction of Aragwadha is given.
4.Gandamala : Root bark of aaragwadha is grinded with rice water and used for nasya and lepa.

Collection- Keep its ripe fruits within sand for seven days. Remove after and dry it in the sun, and when it becomes very pleasant, remove the fruit and purify it.
Put it in the pot.


  • Preparing   क्वाथ  of its fruit marrow reduces its potency hence, it should be used in form of हिम or  फाण्ट।

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